1 New HSK word(s): 5 顶 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg)
0 Old HSK Chinese word(s):
0 OLD_HSK German word(s):
76 synsets(s): crowned + high-crowned + uncrowned + crownless + crowned + uncrowned + crowned + crowning + triple-crown + triple-crown + crowning + crown + crown + crown + crown + white-crowned sparrow + gold-crowned kinglet + ruby-crowned kinglet + ruby-crowned wren + black-crowned night heron + yellow-crowned night heron + crown monkey + pinion and crown wheel + crown + crown + crown + crown + crown + crownwork + jacket crown + crown jewel + crown jewels + crown lens + crown of thorns + crown saw + crown + crown + crown + Crown + British Crown + crown fire + crown roast + Crown Colony + crown + crown prince + crown princess + crown princess + Counsel to the Crown + crowned head + Nero's crown + crown-of-the-field + crown daisy + crownbeard + crown-beard + crown beard + golden crownbeard + golden crown beard + Virginia crownbeard + crown imperial + crown vetch + crown of thorns + crown + Crown land + crown jewel + crown + half crown + triple crown + triple crown + crown gall + crown wart + crown of thorns + optical crown + crown glass + optical crown glass + crown glass + triple-crown season +
0 OLD_HSK English word(s):
0 OLD_HSK French word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

การแต่งตัว crown die Krone, n la couronne la corona
krono มงกุฎ crown Krone couronne corona corona
verto มงกุฎ crown Krone couronne corona corona

Grade E word(s):

1464 cūḍā चूडा crown, crest n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [crown] diadem, jewelled headdress

00485891-v crown +
01338247-v crown +
02390949-v crown +
02694677-v crown +
03138534-n crown +
03138669-n crown +
03138856-n crown +
03138981-n crown +
03139089-n crown +
05308141-n crown +
05539595-n crown +
06705891-n crown +
06884097-n Crown +
08617963-n crown +
13128003-n crown +
13389864-n crown +

Crown + +

crown crown



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder:

3.32 Oben
18.13 Bevollmächtigung