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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

Grade E word(s):

三字经: 003 苟不教, 性乃迁。 gǒu bù jiāo xìng nǎi qiān If foolishly there is no teaching, the nature will deteriorate.
三字经: 013 玉不琢, 不成器。 yù bù zhuó bù chéng qì If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.
三字经: 023 一而十, 十而百。 yī ér shí shí ér bǎi Units and tens, then tens and hundreds,
三字经: 028 父子亲, 夫妇顺。 fù zǐ qīn fūfù shùn (2) the love between father and child, (3) the harmony between husband and wife.
三字经: 030 此四时, 运不穷。 cǐ sì shí yùn bù qióng These four seasons revolve without ceasing.
三字经: 031 曰南北, 曰西东。 yuē nánběi yuē xī dōng We speak of north and south, we speak of east and west.
三字经: 032 此四方, 应乎中。 cǐ sìfāng yīng hū zhòng These four points respond to the requirements of the centre.
三字经: 033 曰水火, 木金土。 yuē shuǐhuǒ mù jīn tǔ We speak of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.
三字经: 034 此五行, 本乎数。 cǐ wǔ xíng běn hū shǔ These five elements have their origin in number.
三字经: 035 曰仁义, 礼智信。 yuē rén yì lǐ zhì xìn We speak of charity of heart and of duty towards one's neighbour, of propriety, of wisdom, and of truth.
三字经: 036 此五常, 不容紊。 cǐ wǔ cháng bù róng wěn These five virtues admit of no compromise.
三字经: 037 稻粱菽, 麦黍稷。 dào liáng mài shǔ jì Rice, spiked millet, pulse, wheat, glutinous millet and common millet.
三字经: 038 此六谷, 人所食。 cǐ liù gǔ rén suǒ shí These six grains are those which men eat.
三字经: 039 马牛羊, 鸡犬豕。 mǎ niú yáng jī quǎn shǐ The horse, the ox, the sheep, the fowl, the dog, the pig.
三字经: 043 昧天良, 屠市肆。 mèi tiānliáng tú shì sì It is to obscure your natural goodness of disposition, to kill them and expose them for sale.
三字经: 053 父子恩, 夫妇从。 fù zǐ ēn fūfù cóng Affection between father and child, harmony between husband and wife,
三字经: 063 群弟子, 记善言。 qún dìzǐ jì shàn yán In this, the various disciples have recorded the wise sayings of Confucius.
三字经: 073 号六经, 当讲求。 hào liù jīng dàng jiǎng qiú are called the Six Classics, which should be carefully explained and analysed.
三字经: 083 号四诗, 当讽咏。 hào sì shī dàng fěng yǒng These are the four sections of the Book of Poetry, which should be hummed over and over.
三字经: 093 考世系, 知终始。 kǎo shìxì zhī zhōng shǐ and the genealogical connections should be examined, so that the end of one dynasty and the beginning of the next may be known.
三字经: 103 六百载, 至纣亡。 liù bǎi zài zhì zhòu wáng The line lasted for six hundred years, ending with Chou Hsin.
三字经: 113 至孝平, 王莽篡。 zhì xiào píng wáng mǎng cuàn When we come to the reign of Hsiao P'ing, Wang Mang usurped the throne.
三字经: 123 不再传, 失统绪。 búzài zhuàn shī tǒng xù The throne was not transmitted twice, succession to power being lost.
三字经: 130 炎宋兴, 受周禅。 yán sòng xīng shòu zhōu chán Then the fire-led House of Sung arose, and received the resignation of the house of Chou.
三字经: 131 十八传, 南北混。 shí bā zhuàn nánběi hùn Eighteen times the throne was transmitted, and then the north and the south were reunited.
三字经: 132 辽与金, 帝号纷。 liáo yǔ jīn dì hào fēn Under the Liao and the Chin dynasties, there was confusion of Imperial titles;
三字经: 133 逮灭辽, 宋犹存。 dǎi miè liáo sòng yóu cún when the Liao dynasty was destroyed, the Sung dynasty still remained.
三字经: 134 至元兴, 金绪歇。 zhì yuán xīng jīn xù xiē When the Yüan dynasty arose, the line of the Chin Tartars came to an end,
三字经: 135 有宋世, 一同灭。 yǒu sòng shì yītóng miè and the House of Sung was destroyed together with it.
三字经: 136 并中国, 兼戎翟。 bìng Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái It united the Middle Kingdom, and attached to the empire the tribes of the north and west.
三字经: 137 明太祖, 久亲师。 míng tài zǔ jiǔ qīn shī The founder of the Ming dynasty was for a long time engaged in warfare.
三字经: 138 传建文, 方四祀。 zhuàn jiàn wén fāng sì sì He transmitted the throne to Chien Wên only four years,
三字经: 139 迁北京, 永乐嗣。 qiān Běijing yǒng lè sì when the capital was transferred to Peking, and Yung Lo succeeded the latter.
三字经: 143 莅中国, 兼戎翟。 lì Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái They governed the Middle Kingdom, and also the wild tribes of the north and west;
三字经: 153 廿二史, 全在兹。 niàn èr shǐ quán zài zī The Twenty-two Dynastic Histories are all embraced in the above.
三字经: 163 披蒲编, 削竹简。 pī pú biān xiāo zhújiàn One opened out rushes and plaited them together; another scraped tablets of bamboo.
三字经: 173 彼既老, 犹悔迟。 bǐ jì lǎo yóu huǐ chí Then, when already past the age, he deeply regretted his delay.
三字经: 183 蔡文姬, 能辨琴。 Cài wén jī néng biàn qín Ts'ai Wên-chi was able to judge from the sound of a psaltery.
三字经: 193 苟不学, 曷为人。 gǒu bù xué hé wéirén If foolishly you do not study, how can you become men?
三字经: 203 戒之哉, 宜勉力。 jiè zhī zāi yí miǎn lì Oh, be on your guard, and put forth your strength.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

3 + +



6 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
简单对话 3
在饭店 3
解释,说明某件事情 3
形容词 3
过去时 3
连词 3

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

1351 中国 13 亿 人口
1759 乘以 等于
2456 大概 13
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32
3511 闰年 366
3644 专利 期限 3
3697 共计 30
3770 这个 杯盖 这个 杯子 有些 不合

Semantische Felder: