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vereinfachtes Schriftzeichen --> Traditionelles Schriftzeichen: Gb: 宋 Big5: 宋

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

宋 [song4]
Sòng, (Familienname) (S, Fam)Song-Dynastie (960-1279) (S, Fam)Song (Eig, Fam)
/(nom de famille)/

วันสงกรานต์ 宋干节 Songgran Day

Grade E word(s):
仿宋体 宋词

三字经: 118 宋齐继, 梁陈承。 sòng qí jì liáng chén chéng Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties, and after them the Liang and Ch'ên dynasties
三字经: 130 炎宋兴, 受周禅。 yán sòng xīng shòu zhōu chán Then the fire-led House of Sung arose, and received the resignation of the house of Chou.
三字经: 133 逮灭辽, 宋犹存。 dǎi miè liáo sòng yóu cún when the Liao dynasty was destroyed, the Sung dynasty still remained.
三字经: 135 有宋世, 一同灭。 yǒu sòng shì yītóng miè and the House of Sung was destroyed together with it.
三字经: 142 元灭金, 绝宋世。 yuán miè jīn jué sòng shì The Yüans (Mongols) destroyed the Chin Tartars, and put an end to the House of Sung.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

宋 + +



Häufigkeit: 0.7 Komposita

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝

Semantische Felder:

14.13 Gesang
14.13 Gesang
14.13 Gesang