Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: right wing Relations with other people • government and politics
SNOT: left wing Relations with other people • government and politics

OXF3000: cánh wing
191 It isn't snowing. Trời đang không có tuyết.
1807 Is it snowing? — No, it isn't. Trời đang có tuyết à? - Không.
2086 Victor got himself into nancial trouble by borrowing too much money. Victor tự chuốc rắc rối tài chính vào mình bằng việc vay quá nhiều tiền.

BNC6000 : wing [ Rank: 1815 ] n 👪

OPD : Following Directions Studying
OPD : snowing Weather
OPD : The sink is overflowing. Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : stewing beef Meat
OPD : wings Meat
OPD : sewing machine Making Clothes
OPD : sewing machine operator Making Clothes
OPD : Parts of a sewing Machine Making Clothes
OPD : Sewing Supplies Making Alterations
OPD : wing Birds, Insects, and Arachnids
OPD : swings The Park and Playground
OPD : push the swing The Park and Playground
OPD : swing Sport Verbs

FN: wing n Observable_body_parts
FN: wing n Building_subparts

VSLW123 áo tứ thân four parts flowing tunic vsl3
VSLW 45 nề nếp following exemplary lifestyle (respect, order and discipline) of one's ancestor [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kiểm điểm to review (experience drawing) [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Kiến trúc sư đang vẽ. The architect is drawing. Jobs 1
DUOS He appears and starts following us.
DUOS Tôi không thích họ đi theo tôi cả ngày. I do not like them following me all day. Verbs 3
DUOS Anh ấy xuất hiện và bắt đầu đi theo chúng tôi. He appears and stars following us. Verbs 3

50L Tôi cần dịch vụ kéo xe. * I need a towing service. 041
50L Tôi vẽ một người đàn ông. * I am drawing a man. 060
50L Tôi vẽ mắt và miệng. * I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. 060

like: wing
VNEN biết được điều đó * knowing that, being away of that *
VNEN bánh vẽ * drawing of a cake, fine allusion *
VNEN bản vẽ * drawing *
VNEN bất giác * suddenly, unexpectedly, unknowingly, unconsciously *
VNEN bống bếnh * rock, swing, move up and down, rocking, swinging *
VNEN chan chan * brimming over, overflowing, teeming *
VNEN chiếu phim * film showing; to show a film *
VNEN chuyên canh * specializing in the growing of some plant *
VNEN chăng * (1) to stretch, spread
(2) (interrogative particle showing doubt)
VNEN chứa chan * overflowing *
VNEN cu luồng * green winged pigeon, chalcophasindica *
VNEN cáng gà * chicken wing *
VNEN cánh * (1) wing, pedal
(2) [CL for sails]
VNEN cánh chim * bird’s wing *
VNEN cánh chuồn * dragonfly’s wing *
VNEN cánh hữu * right wing *
VNEN cánh tả * left wing *
VNEN có ý thức * consciously, knowingly *
VNEN cù lần * ignorant, knowing nothing *
VNEN cạnh sườn * side, flank, wing *
VNEN cảm thấy muốn nôn ọe * to feel like throwing up *
VNEN cấp hiệu * stripe, badge (showing army rank) *
VNEN cầu quay * swing-bridge *
VNEN cổ bẻ * wing collar *
VNEN dao động * to shake, swing, oscillate, vary, waver, fluctuate *
VNEN doanh dật * overcrowded, overflowing *
VNEN giấy vẽ * drawing-paper *
VNEN gáy gở * the crowing of a chicken (esp. a cock) at an unusual time *
VNEN hanh thông * easy, flowing *
VNEN heo may * ay coldish north-westerly wind (blowing in autumn) *
VNEN hiếu sự * fond of contriving unnecessary things, showing undue zeal; mourning rites, funeral protocol *
VNEN hình họa * drawing *
VNEN hôm sau * the following day, the next day *
VNEN hữu dực * right wing, right flank (of an army) *
VNEN hữu phái * right wing *
VNEN khoai mỡ * winged yam *
VNEN khoai vạc * winged yam *
VNEN khán đài * reviewing stand, bleachers, grand stand *
VNEN khâu vá * dewing *
VNEN kim chỉ * needlework, sewing, stitching, needle and thread *
VNEN kiến cánh * winged ant, ant-fly *
VNEN kẹo cao su * chewing gum *
VNEN kế đó * the next, the following, then *
VNEN lai láng * overflowing (of feelings) *
VNEN liên * (1) union, connection
(2) successive, following
VNEN làm ơn chỉ đường giùm tôi * do the favor of showing me the way *
VNEN lè xè * sound of bird’s wings or leaves *
VNEN lõa xõa * (of hair) flowing, disheveled *
VNEN lắc * to shake, swing, sway, rock, wag *
VNEN lắc lư * to oscillate, swing; swaying, bobbing *
VNEN lỗ đáo * hole (for children to play their throwing game) *
VNEN lủng liểng * swing, dangle *
VNEN may vá * to sew and mend, do the sewing, do needlework *
VNEN máy gặt * mower, mowing-machine, reaper, harvester *
VNEN máy khâu * sewing machine *
VNEN mùa hè kế đó * the following summer *
VNEN múa rối * puppetry, art of puppet-showing *
VNEN mưa tuyết * it is snowing *
VNEN mẹt * flat winnowing basket *
VNEN ngau nháu * crispy, crunchy (of chewing food) *
VNEN ngay sau * immediately after, following *
VNEN ngay sau khi * immediately after, following *
VNEN ngay sau đó * immediately thereafter, afterwards; the following day, the next day *
VNEN nhà ngang * annex, wing *
VNEN nhún nhẩy * swinging, swaggering (one’s hips) *
VNEN như sau * as below, as follows, following *
VNEN nhờ * (1) thanks to, owing to
(2) to turn over, be dependent on, reply on
(3) to ask (a favor), request, please
VNEN nhờ có * thanks to, owing to *
VNEN nhờ là * thanks to, owing to *
VNEN nhờ vào * thanks to, owing to *
VNEN non tay * unskilled in drawing *
VNEN nuốt trọng * to swallow whole, without chewing *
VNEN nét vẽ * brush stroke, brushwork, line of drawing *
VNEN nước đầy ứ * the water is overflowing *
VNEN nằm trong ba trườp hợp sau * to fall into the following 3 categories *
VNEN nỏ nang * knowing how to contrive, like a good contriver *
VNEN phi kiếm * throwing sword *
VNEN phi đao * throwing knife *
VNEN phóng lao * javelin throwing *
VNEN phơ phất * move, swing, sway *
VNEN qươ * to gather, seize, swing *
VNEN run rẩy * to tremble, shiver, shake, swing *
VNEN rung rinh * to shake, vibrate, swing *
VNEN râu ba chòm * beard growing on the chin and on both cheeks *
VNEN rã cánh * fly one’s wings off (of birds) *
VNEN sau dịp rút quân từ cam bốt * after withdrawing troops from Cambodia *
VNEN sau khi * following; after (something happens) *
VNEN sau đây * following (this) *
VNEN suôn * straight and tall fluent, flowing *
VNEN suôn sẻ * flowing, smooth *
VNEN sác * shrubs growing by the seashore *
VNEN sải cánh * spread, span (of a bird’s wings) *
VNEN sảnh * office building-drawing-room *
VNEN số là * owing to the fact that *
VNEN sột sột * sound of scratching, gnawing *
VNEN tam quân * the three army forces (center, left and right wing) *
VNEN te cựa * river lapwing, vanellus duvaucelli *
VNEN thanh thoát * light and flowing *
VNEN thay đổi nhiệt đô * temperature change, shift, swing *
VNEN theo chiều * in the direction of, following, along with *
VNEN theo cấu trúc sau đây * in the following way *
VNEN theo kiểu * in the form of, following the model of, in the ~ style *
VNEN theo kiểu Trung Quốc * following the Chinese model *
VNEN theo lời đề nghị * following a suggestion *
VNEN theo mô hình của * following the model of *
VNEN thổi thủy tinh * to blow glass; glass-blowing *
VNEN thừa thãi * overflowing, in abundance *
VNEN tiếng gáy * crowing (of a bird) *
VNEN tiếp liền * thereupon, following *
VNEN tiếp sau * following *
VNEN tiếp theo * continuous, following, subsequent; after(wards) *
VNEN tranh ảnh * illustration, drawing, picture *
VNEN tàm tang * growing mulberry and raising silkworm *
VNEN tòn ten * to dangle, balance, hang loose, swing to and fro *
VNEN tăng nhanh nhất * fastest growing *
VNEN tả dực * left wing *
VNEN uyển chuyển * fluid, flowing, supple, flexible, melodious *
VNEN uốn éo * to wriggle, swing hips, play hard to get *
VNEN vây cánh * follower, supporter, side, wing *
VNEN vô tình * indifferent, apathetic, unintentional, unknowing, unwitting *
VNEN vẽ * drawing, sketch; to draw, paint, sketch *
VNEN xích đu * swing, rocking chair *
VNEN xề xệ * a little drooping, flowing, baggy, flabby *
VNEN đinh ấn * drawing pin, thumbtack *
VNEN đu * to swing, sway; swing, seesaw *
VNEN đu đưa * to swing, sway *
VNEN đánh luống * make beds (for growing vegetables) *
VNEN đánh võng * swing a hammock *
VNEN đánh đu * to swing *
VNEN đánh đàng xa * swing one’s arms (while walking) *
VNEN đã * (past tense marker); first; after, following *
VNEN đói ngấu * feel the gnawing pains of hunger *
VNEN đôi cánh * pair of wings *
VNEN đông ding * east wing (of a bldg) *
VNEN đưa võng * swing on a hammock *
VNEN đường kim mũi chỉ * sewing, needle-work, fancy-work *
VNEN đầy tràn * overflowing, over brimming *
VNEN đập cánh * (of birds) beat its wings *
VNEN đỏ da thắm thịt * be glowing with health *
VNEN đỏ ối * flaming, glowing, complete red *
VNEN đồ bản * map-drawing, design *
VNEN đồ họa * drawing, graphic (image) *
VNEN ở các điểm sau * in the following ways, on the following points *