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OXF3000: rộng wide

BNC6000 : wide [ Rank: 649 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : wide [ Rank: 3964 ] adv 👪

OPD : wide tie Describing Clothes

FN: wide a Dimension
FN: wide adv Hit_or_miss

VSLW123 rộng large, wide vsl2

like: wide
VNEN Liên Mạng Toàn Cầu * World Wide Web *
VNEN ang * bushel, container, crock, wide-mouthed vase *
VNEN bá cáo * to broadcast, disseminate widely, publicize, make public, proclaim *
VNEN bác * (1) uncle, father’s older brother
(2) wise, learned
(3) to scramble (eggs)
(4) cannon
(5) ample, wide
(6) to reject
VNEN bác cổ thông kim * to have a wide knowledge (of things past and present) *
VNEN bè bè * flat and wide *
VNEN băng rộng * wideband, broadband *
VNEN chành * open wide (one’s mouth) *
VNEN chành bành * wide open *
VNEN chạng * wide open *
VNEN chỉ hẹp 40 dậm * only 40 miles wide (narrow) *
VNEN có một khoảng cách khá rộng * to be very far apart, have a large gap, be very wide *
VNEN giương mắt * to look at with wide open-eyes *
VNEN hà hơi * blow with a wide-open mouth-give the kiss of life to, resuscitate *
VNEN há hốc * gaping, open-mouthed; to gape, open wide one’s mouth *
VNEN há rộng miệng * to open one’s mouth wide *
VNEN hổng hểnh * full of gaps, widely gaping, exposed *
VNEN khoan * (1) to drill, bore, auger, splice
(2) wide, broad, generous
(3) relaxed, slow, adagio
(4) wait, hold on
VNEN khơi * to enlarge, widen; open sea *
VNEN khắp thành phố * all over the city, citywide *
VNEN lan rộng * to spread widely; widespread, difficult to stop, rampant *
VNEN lớn rộng * big and wide, broad and large *
VNEN màn ảnh rộng * wide screen *
VNEN mạng lưới giao liên toàn cầu * World Wide Web (WWW) *
VNEN mạng nhện toàn cầu * World Wide Web *
VNEN mạng toàn cục * wide area network, WAN *
VNEN mở lớn * to turn up, open wider *
VNEN mở rộng * to widen, enlarge, expand, extend; expansion *
VNEN mở rộng tầm mắt * to widen one’s perspectives *
VNEN mở toang * open (the door) wide *
VNEN ngoam ngoáp * open (wide) one’s mouth *
VNEN ngoác * open wide (one’s mouth) *
VNEN ngoác miệng ra ngáp * to yawn with the mouth wide open *
VNEN ngoạc * open wide *
VNEN ngão * kind of fish (with wide mouth) *
VNEN ngực nở * wide chest *
VNEN phong trào cộng sản thế giới * worldwide communist movement *
VNEN phát triển rộng lớn * to develop widely, on a broad scale *
VNEN phổ biến * to distribute, diffuse, make public, announce, spread, disseminate; popular, widespread, universal *
VNEN phổ biến nhiều nơi * to distribute widely *
VNEN phổ biến rộng rãi * to distribute widely; widespread distribution *
VNEN phổ cập * to generalize, universalize, make widespread, popularize, make popular *
VNEN phở áp chảo * make widesread sautéed beef noodle soup *
VNEN qui mô lớn * wide-scale, large *
VNEN quảng * about; wide, large *
VNEN quảng giao * have a wide circle of acquaintances *
VNEN rộng khắp * extensive, far-reaching, outspread, widespread *
VNEN rộng lớn * big, large, broad, wide *
VNEN rộng rãi * broad, extensive, spacious, widespread, roomy, wide, generous, free *
VNEN sâu rộng * deep, profound, wide and deep *
VNEN sấm vang * thunderclap, thunder crash, spreading far and wide *
VNEN sịa * flat wide-meshed basket *
VNEN sử dụng rộng rãi * to be used widely *
VNEN sực nức * to give forth, spread wide *
VNEN thao láo * wide open *
VNEN thênh thênh * vast, wide, spacious, smooth, even, level *
VNEN thông báo rộng rãi * to spread the word widely *
VNEN thùng thình * (of clothes) loose, wide, be too large, fit like a barrel *
VNEN toang * wide open *
VNEN toang hoác * wide open *
VNEN toàn cầu * global, worldwide *
VNEN toàn quốc * entire nation, national, nationwide *
VNEN toác * cleft, split, cloven, be wide open *
VNEN trong một phạm vi lớn * on a wide, broad, large scale *
VNEN trên khắp thế giới * around the world, all over the world, worldwide *
VNEN trên một căn bản rộng rãi * on a wide, broad basis *
VNEN trên thế giới * worldwide, around the world *
VNEN trên toàn quốc * across the (entire) country or nation, all over the country, nationwide *
VNEN trớn trác * have eyes wide-open (because of anger or agony) *
VNEN trợn * to glower, open wide (eyes) *
VNEN trợn mắt lên * to become wide-eyed *
VNEN trợn tròng * wide-eyed *
VNEN trợn trạo * have eyes wide-open (in anger or agony) *
VNEN trừng trừng * (of eyes) wide open; to glare (at), stare *
VNEN tuếch toác * wide open *
VNEN tếch toác * be wide open *
VNEN tỉnh như sáo * wide awake *
VNEN tỉnh táo * alert, active, vigilant, wide awake *
VNEN tỏa rộng * to spread widely *
VNEN xa gần * far and wide, everywhere *
VNEN xoạc * to spread wide apart *
VNEN yêm bác * wide knowledge *
VNEN đầm * (1) European woman
(2) to tamp (earth)
(3) deep and wide pond
(4) to dip in mud
VNEN để hở * leave oneself wide open *
VNEN ảnh huởng sâu rộng * wide, broad influence *
VNEN ối * amnion; all over, widespread *
VNEN ứng dụng rộng rãi của máy điện toán * the widespread use of computers *