Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: water House and home, environment • services
SNOT: water House and home, environment • region
SNOT: mineral water Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: water Food and drink • types of food and drink

OXF3000: nước water
301 Water boils at one hundred degrees (100o) Celsius. Nước sôi ở một trăm độ C.
1594 Would you like a glass of juice, or some water? Cậu muốn uống cốc nước hoa quả không, hay nước trắng?
1717 Where can I buy a bottle of water? — There's a convenience store at the end of the block. Tôi có thể mua một chai nước ở đâu? - Có một cửa hàng tạp hoá ở cuối dãy nhà.
Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> 2151 Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> Do you think it's safe to drink this water? > Do you think this water is safe to drink? Do you think this water is safe to drink?'> ☊ Cậu có nghĩ là uống nước này an toàn không? > Cậu có nghĩ là nước này an toàn để uống không?
2286 The water in the pool didn't look clean, so we didn't go swimming. Nước dưới bể bơi trông không sạch nên chúng tôi không đi bơi.
2750 Water boils AT a temperature OF one hundred degrees (100o) Celsius. Nước sôi ở nhiệt độ một trăm độ C.
2871 Water consists of hydrogen oxide. Nước bao gồm hydro dioxide.
2911 Please ll this pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. Làm ơn đổ nước vào ấm và cho nó vào lò để đun sôi.

BNC6000 : water [ Rank: 261 ] n 👪

OPD : Water Finding a Home
OPD : hot water A Bathroom
OPD : cold water A Bathroom
OPD : The water heater is not working. Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : watermelons Fruit
OPD : a bottle of water Containers and Packaging
OPD : a gallon of water (1 gal.) Weights and Measurements
OPD : pour the water A Restaurant
OPD : water glass A Restaurant
OPD : hot water bottle A Pharmacy
OPD : bottled water Emergency Procedures
OPD : water the plants Landscape and Gardening
OPD : waterfall Geography and Habitats
OPD : water Nature Center
OPD : water pollution Energy and Conservation
OPD : save water Energy and Conservation
OPD : wash cothes in cold water Energy and Conservation
OPD : water fountain The Park and Playground
OPD : ocean / water The Beach
OPD : waterskiing Winter and Water Sports
OPD : water polo Team Sports
OPD : watercolor Hobies and Games

FN: water n Substance
FN: water n Food
FN: water n Natural_features

VSLW123 nước water vsl1
VSLW123 nước suối mineral water vsl1
VSLW123 máy tắm nước nóng water heater (for taking a shower) vsl2
VSLW123 múa rối nước water puppet vsl2
VSLW123 tưới (cây) to water (plants) vsl2
VSLW123 tiền nước water bill vsl3
VSLW123 tiền nước water bill vsl3
VSLW123 ngập nước covered with water vsl3
VSLW 45 đường thủy waterway [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 uống nước nhớ nguồn When drinking water remember its source, to be grateful [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xâm nhập mặn saltwater instrusion [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 độ đục turbidity (ie. the measurement for the cloudiness of water) [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 đục nước béo cò to fish in troubled waters [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS nước water Basics 1
DUOS Anh ấy uống nước. He drinks water. Basics 1
DUOS Cô ấy uống nước. She drinks water. Basics 1
DUOS Người đàn ông uống nước. The man drinks water. Basics 1
DUOS Tôi uống nước. I drink water. Basics 1
DUOS She wants to drink her water.
DUOS Một ly nước, cảm ơn. A glass of water, thanks. Common Phrases
DUOS Con trâu uống nước. The buffalo drinks water. Animals 1
DUOS The buffalo drinks water. Animals 1
DUOS Có nước ở trong cái chai này. There is water in this bottle. Prepositions 1
DUOS Bạn không thể trộn nước và dầu ăn. You cannot mix water and cooking oil. Verbs 3
DUOS Nước lạnh hay nóng? Is the water cold or hot? Adjectives 2
DUOS Họ bán nước dừa. They sell coconut water. Miscellaneous
DUOS Ba trạng thái của nước three states of water Abstract Objects 2
DUOS Có rất nhiều nước trong cơ thể tôi.Bạn có muốn uống nó không? There is a lot of water in my body. Do you want to drink it? Medical
DUOS Không có nước trên Sao Kim và Sao Thuỷ. There is no water on Venus and Mercury. Astronomy
DUOS Múa rối nước water puppetry History
DUOS  Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. He brags that he can walk on the surface of water. Informal Expressions

50L Tôi uống nước khoáng. * I drink mineral water. 014
50L Bạn có uống nước với đá không? * Do you drink water with ice? 014
50L Bà tưới hoa. * Grandma is watering the flowers. 020
50L Không có nước nóng. * There is no warm water. 030
50L Tôi muốn một cốc / ly nước khoáng. * I’d like a mineral water. 031
50L Xin một ly nước nữa ạ. * Another glass of water, please. 033
50L Tôi rất muốn lướt ván. * I would like to water ski. 050
50L Có thể thuê ván lướt không? * Can one rent water skis? 050
50L Bạn có thể nhảy xuống nước được không? * Can you jump in the water? 052
50L Nước sâu không? * Is the water deep? 052
50L Nước sạch không? * Is the water clean? 052
50L Nước này nóng không? * Is the water warm? 052
50L Nước này lạnh quá. * The water is too cold. 052
50L Tôi lên bờ đây. * I am getting out of the water now. 052
50L Chúng tôi đã phải tưới hoa. * We had to water the flowers. 089

like: water
VNEN bánh sữa * milk bread, milk cake, papery thin water *
VNEN bánh xe nước * water wheel, hydraulic wheel *
VNEN bèo * marsh lentil, duckweed, water hyacinth, water-fern *
VNEN bèo Nhật Bản * water hyacinth *
VNEN bèo hoa dâu * water hyacinth *
VNEN bèo nhật bản * water hyacinth *
VNEN bèo tấm * duckweed, water lentil *
VNEN bình * (1) average, plain, level, equal, balanced, calm, peaceful
(2) bottle, jar, pot, vase
(3) to criticize, comment on, examine
(4) marsh lentil, duckweed, water hyacinth
VNEN bích thủy * greenish water *
VNEN bập bà bập bồng * rocking in the wind, floating on water *
VNEN bến nước * river wharf, river watering place *
VNEN bể nước * water tank *
VNEN bể nước ăn * a drinking water tank *
VNEN bị ngập dưới 2 thước nước * to be under 2 meters of water *
VNEN bị nước lọc * water sterilizing bag *
VNEN bồn nước * (decorative) fountain, water basin *
VNEN cam lộ * holy water, sweet dew, favors *
VNEN cam tuyền * fresh-water spring *
VNEN chiếm đoạt hải phận Vietnamese * to seize VN’s territorial waters *
VNEN chuôm * puddle, pool (in fields)-branch dipped in water (for fish to live *
VNEN chìm lỉm * to sink, go underwater *
VNEN chảy nước miếng * to salivate, have one’s mouth water *
VNEN chần * to immerse in boiling water *
VNEN cua bể * sea-crab, salt-water crab, serrated crab *
VNEN cua đồng * field crab, ricefield crab, freshwater crab *
VNEN cá biển * sea fish, salt-water fish *
VNEN cá nước mặn * saltwater fish *
VNEN cá nước ngọt * freshwater fish *
VNEN cá đồng * river fish, fresh-water fish *
VNEN cây nước * waterspout *
VNEN cúm núm * (1) watercock, gallicrex cinerea
(2) timid, shy, scared
VNEN cải xoong * cress, watercress *
VNEN cảng nước sâu * deep water port *
VNEN cảnh sát bắn súng nước và đạn cao su * the police fired water cannons and rubber bullets *
VNEN cấp nước * water supply *
VNEN cần ta * water dropwort *
VNEN cầu tiêu * toilet, bathroom, latrine, water closet *
VNEN cọn * water-wheel *
VNEN doành * watercourse *
VNEN dâng * to offer (tribute or gift), submit (to a king); to rise (of water) *
VNEN dòng nước * current, course (of water) *
VNEN dưa hấu * watermelon *
VNEN dưa đỏ * water melon *
VNEN dẫn thủy * irrigate, water, irrigation *
VNEN dội * to pour (water), bound, resound, kick *
VNEN eo * (1) curved; straights (water)
(2) waist, back
(3) horrible
VNEN giang tân * river watering place *
VNEN giọt lệ * tear (water from eyes), teardrop *
VNEN giọt nước * drop of water *
VNEN gà nước * moorcock, moor-hen, water rail, rallus aquaticus *
VNEN hoạt động trên lãnh hải của Iraq * to operate in Iraq’s territorial waters *
VNEN hà bá * the god of water *
VNEN hút * to inhale, smoke, suck (air, smoke) absorb, take up (water) *
VNEN hương sen * lotus seed-pod, watering-can rose, shower-rose *
VNEN hải phận * territorial waters *
VNEN hải phận quốc tế * international waters *
VNEN hấu * watermelon *
VNEN hồ chứa nước * (water) reservoir *
VNEN hụp * to dive under the water *
VNEN khoai nước * water-taro *
VNEN không thấm nước * waterproof *
VNEN khạp nước * jug holding water *
VNEN kín như bưng * airtight, watertight, hermetic *
VNEN loang loáng * watery, weak *
VNEN long bong * sound of rapid running water *
VNEN làm ô nhiễm nước * to cause the water to be polluted, pollute the water *
VNEN lãnh hải * territorial waters *
VNEN lêng láng * to run all over, run out (water) *
VNEN lò phản ứng nước nhẹ * light water reactor *
VNEN lúa nước * rice (grown in water) *
VNEN lướt ván * water-skiing *
VNEN lạt * (1) water, insipid, flat, dull, faded
(2) bamboo string, rattan string
VNEN lấp xấp * steep in water *
VNEN lấy nước * to get, draw water *
VNEN lọp bọp * sound of wading in water *
VNEN lộc bình * water hyacinth *
VNEN lội xuống nước * to wade into the water *
VNEN lục bình * water hyacinth *
VNEN lực dịch * corvee, toil of drawers of water and hewers of *
VNEN màu nước * water-colors *
VNEN máu chảy ruột mềm * blood is thicker than water *
VNEN mã thầy * water chestnut *
VNEN múa rối nước * water puppet show *
VNEN mượn gió bẻ măng * fish in troubled waters *
VNEN mặt nước * the face of the waters, water surface, water level *
VNEN mế * (dialect) old woman; (dialect) urinate, make water, piss, pee *
VNEN một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã * blood is thicker than water *
VNEN mớn nước * water-line *
VNEN mở nước * to turn on the water *
VNEN mực nước * sea, river, water level *
VNEN ngo ngóp * to struggle to rise above the water *
VNEN ngũ hành * the five basic elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) *
VNEN ngập nước * to be underwater, flooded *
VNEN ngọt * sweet (tasting), fresh (water) *
VNEN ngụp * dive, plunge (into the water) *
VNEN nhiệt làm nước bay thành hơi * heat evaporates water into steam *
VNEN nhoai * strive to come up (from water) *
VNEN nhoi lên mặt nước * to emerge to the surface of the water *
VNEN nhom * like a lath, like a water *
VNEN như cá trên cạn * like a fish out of water *
VNEN nhấp nhô * heave, sway, go up and down (especially on the water) *
VNEN nhằn hạt dưa * to eat watermelon seeds with one’s front teeth *
VNEN nhỏ dãi * to have one’s mouth watering *
VNEN nước * country, nation, state; water, liquid (for drinking); gum(s) (flesh surrounding teeth) *
VNEN nước bồn cầu * toilet water, sewage *
VNEN nước chín * boiled water *
VNEN nước cất * distilled water *
VNEN nước cứng * hard water *
VNEN nước giải khát * cold drink, soft drink, drinking water *
VNEN nước gạo * rice water, slops, pigwash *
VNEN nước hàng * brown sugary water *
VNEN nước khoáng * mineral water *
VNEN nước lã * water *
VNEN nước lên * high water, high tide *
VNEN nước lạnh * cold water *
VNEN nước lọc * filtered water *
VNEN nước lợ * brackish water *
VNEN nước lợ ở cửa sông * brackish water at a river mouth *
VNEN nước mau bay hơi trong nắng * water soon evaporates in the sunshine *
VNEN nước máy * running water (from a pipe), tap water *
VNEN nước mưa * rainwater *
VNEN nước mặn * salt water, sea water, brine *
VNEN nước ngầm * underground water *
VNEN nước ngọt * soft drink; freshwater *
VNEN nước nóng * hot water *
VNEN nước nôi * waters, tea *
VNEN nước nặng * heavy water *
VNEN nước pha âm ấm * lukewarm water *
VNEN nước phép * holy water *
VNEN nước rặc * ebb tide, water cooked off *
VNEN nước suối * mineral water *
VNEN nước sâu * deep water *
VNEN nước sôi * boiling water *
VNEN nước sông * river water *
VNEN nước sông đã rút xuống * the river (water) receded *
VNEN nước thải * waste water, sewage *
VNEN nước tù * stagnant water *
VNEN nước uống * drink, beverage; drinking water *
VNEN nước vôi * lime water *
VNEN nước xuống * low water, low tide, ebb *
VNEN nước đầy ứ * the water is overflowing *
VNEN nước đổ đầu vịt * water off a duck’s back *
VNEN nước độc * unhealthy climate, conditions; poisoned water *
VNEN nước đục thả câu tục ngữ * to fish in troubled waters *
VNEN nước đứng * stationary water level *
VNEN nước ốc * water from boiled shellfish *
VNEN nằm trong hải phận * to lie within one’s territorial waters *
VNEN oi nước * waterlogged *
VNEN rau cần * water dropwort *
VNEN rau muống * water morning glory, spinach, bindweed *
VNEN rong rêu * water-plants and mosses, sea-weed alga *
VNEN ruộng nước * rice field, paddy (submerged in water) *
VNEN ruộng vai * field by the water *
VNEN rối nước * water puppetry, water puppet *
VNEN sa trùng * kind of very small worm living in water *
VNEN sông nước * waterways *
VNEN súng ca nông bắn nước * water cannon *
VNEN súng nước * water cannon *
VNEN tam tai * the three calamities (fire, water, thieves) *
VNEN thanh thanh * (of water, sound) gently, softly, murmur *
VNEN thanh thủy * clear water *
VNEN thác * waterfall *
VNEN thác ghềnh * waterfalls and rapids *
VNEN tháp nước * water tower *
VNEN thêm nước * to add water *
VNEN thơi * narrow well with pure water *
VNEN thả bèo * to float water-fern, grow water-fern (on a pond) *
VNEN thủy * water *
VNEN thủy lộ * waterway *
VNEN thủy lợi * water resources, irrigation, hydraulics *
VNEN thủy thần * water-nymph, naiad *
VNEN thủy táng * water burial *
VNEN thủy đạo * waterway, seaway *
VNEN thừa gió bẻ măng * to fish in troubled waters *
VNEN tranh thủy mặc * water-color painting, water-color *
VNEN trui * to dip (something hot) into water *
VNEN trầu thuốc * betel used together with tobacco (for water pipe) *
VNEN trời long đất lở * come hell or high water *
VNEN tát * to slap, hit; to scoop (water), bail out (a boat) *
VNEN tè tè * sound of running water, urinate *
VNEN tòm * to fall (in water), splash; plop, splash *
VNEN tôm sông * crayfish, fresh water crayfish *
VNEN tưới * to water (plant), irrigate (plants) *
VNEN tưới cây * to water a tree *
VNEN tưới hoa * to water flowers *
VNEN tưới nước * to water, pour water on *
VNEN tưới nước cho hoa * to water a flower *
VNEN việc phân chia hải phận * the division of territorial waters *
VNEN vùng biển * territorial waters *
VNEN vũng nước * a holeful of water *
VNEN xe tưới đường * watering-cart, street washer *
VNEN xào lăn * stir-fry with little or no water *
VNEN xâm chiếm hải phận * to violate territorial waters *
VNEN ái lực của muối với nước * affinity of salt for water *
VNEN òng ọc * gurgle, bubble (of water) *
VNEN ô nhiễm nước * polluted water *
VNEN ùm * to dive, jump (into water); to fool; to hug, huddle *
VNEN úng thủy * spoiled, rotten (due to water) *
VNEN đi giải * make water, urinate *
VNEN đường sông * (inland) waterway *
VNEN đường thủy * waterway *
VNEN đỗ quyên * water-rail *
VNEN ống dẫn nước * a water-pipe *
VNEN ống nước * water pipe *
VNEN ở trên vùng lãnh hải quốc tế * in international waters *