Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

BNC6000 : trail [ Rank: 4621 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : trail [ Rank: 4793 ] v 👪

OPD : tractor trailer / semi Cars and Trucks
OPD : trailer Cars and Trucks

FN: trail n Roadways
FN: trail n Leaving_traces
FN: trail v Cotheme

like: trail
VNEN bỏ xa * to lag, trail behind *
VNEN dài lê thê * very long, hanging, trailing *
VNEN hành tung * track, trail, whereabouts *
VNEN * (1) to follow closely, trail
(2) basket
(3) embankment
(4) latania
VNEN làn * (1) basket
(2) [CL for waves, winds, trails]
VNEN lê thê * dragging, trailing; to trail *
VNEN lòng thòng * to have illicit love affairs; hanging down, dangling, trailing; to hang down loosely *
VNEN lòng đất * bowels or entrails of the earth *
VNEN lỏa tỏa * hang down, trail *
VNEN lối * way, direction, path, trail, manner, method, fashion, style, paradigm *
VNEN nhà lưu động * trailer *
VNEN ăng ten treo * trailing antenna *
VNEN đường máu * trail of blood *
VNEN đường mòn * path, trail *