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VSLW123 từ chối to refuse, to decline vsl3
VSLW123 từ chối to refuse vsl3

like: to refuse
VNEN bàn lùi * argue to refuse (to do something), argue somebody out of doing *
VNEN bác lời * to refuse, contradict *
VNEN cự tuyệt * to refuse, reject decline *
VNEN dằn hắt * to refuse, deny *
VNEN giãy nảy * (1) to start, jump up
(2) to refuse categorically, refuse very positively
VNEN khước từ * to refuse, decline *
VNEN kiếu * to excuse oneself; to refuse, decline *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng cưỡng lời cha mẹ * to refuse to listen to and act against one’s parents advice *
VNEN quật cường * to refuse to surrender or give up; indomitable *
VNEN từ chối * to refuse, decline, turn down *
VNEN từ hôn * to refuse somebody’s offer of marriage, refuse somebody *
VNEN từ khước * to refuse, decline, reject *
VNEN vỗ nợ * to refuse to pay one’s debt *