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VSLW123 quản lý to manage vsl2
VSLW 45 quản lý to manage, management [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 quản lý to manage [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 quản lý to manage [ Topic Reading ]

like: to manage
VNEN cai quản * (1) to manage, administer, govern, supervise, rule
(2) administrator, foreman
(3) corporal (military rank)
VNEN chủ trì * to manage, direct, sponsor, be responsible for; management, direction, supervision *
VNEN cán * (1) to manage, attend to
(2) to grind
(3) handle, rod, staff, grip
(4) talent, skill
VNEN liệu * (1) (rhetorical question maker)
(2) to think about, reflect, foresee
(3) material, ingredient
(4) to manage
VNEN trù * (1) to curse
(2) to manage, plan; plan
VNEN trị sự * to manage *
VNEN tảo * (1) to manage to get, dig up
(2) early
(3) sweep
(4) jujube
(5) seaweed, algae
VNEN xoay sở * to manage, be resourceful *
VNEN xoay xỏa * to manage, regulate *
VNEN điều hành * to manage, function, handle, run, operate *