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OXF3000: như vậy thus

BNC6000 : thus [ Rank: 506 ] adv 👪

VSLW 67 nhiệt tâm enthusiastic [ Intermediate Reading ]

like: thus
VNEN bày tỏ nhiệt tâm * to show enthusiasm *
VNEN bầu nhiệt huyết * enthusiasm *
VNEN bồng bột * eager, enthusiastic *
VNEN cuồng hứng * over-fervid, wildly enthusiastic *
VNEN cũng hăng hái như ai * to be as enthusiastic as any other *
VNEN cứ thế * continuing thus, going on in this way *
VNEN do vậy * thus, as a result *
VNEN giền cơm * edible amaranthus mangostanus *
VNEN giền dại * amaranthus blitum (used as fodder) *
VNEN giền gai * amaranthus spinosus *
VNEN giền tía * purple amaranthus *
VNEN gây hứng khởi * to create, generate enthusiasm *
VNEN huyết tính * righteous enthusiasm *
VNEN háo hức * enthusiastic, eager *
VNEN hăng * ardent, eager, enthusiastic, strong *
VNEN hăng hái * ardent, fiery, fervent, enthusiastic, eager *
VNEN hăng máu * to have a flare-up of zeal (enthusiasm) *
VNEN hưng khởi * feel fired, feel enthusiastic *
VNEN hồ hởi * excited, enthusiastic *
VNEN hứng khởi * enthusiasm; to encourage *
VNEN hững * pleasure and enthusiasm, uplifting feeling, inspiration *
VNEN khóe hạnh * corner of the eye canthus *
VNEN không như vậy * to not be thus, not be like that *
VNEN là như vậy * to be like that, to be thus *
VNEN làm vậy * to act thus, do like that *
VNEN máu mê * passion (fro something), enthusiasm (for) *
VNEN nghĩ vậy * to think that way, think thus *
VNEN nhiệt huyết * zeal, enthusiasm *
VNEN nhiệt tâm * enthusiasm, zeal *
VNEN nhiệt tình * enthusiasm, zeal, fervor, ardor; enthusiastic, zealous, fervent *
VNEN nhiệt tính * warmly, enthusiastically *
VNEN như thế * like this, like that, thus, so, such, in this way *
VNEN như vầy * like this, thus, so, in this way *
VNEN nức lòng * enthusiastic, zealous, with fire *
VNEN phấn chấn * ardent, eager; enthusiasm *
VNEN phấn khởi * enthusiastic, excited, encouraged *
VNEN rồng đất * physignathus *
VNEN sự háo hức * enthusiasm *
VNEN thạch ma * amianthus, asbestos *
VNEN thế * (1) manner, way, fashion, position, situation, posture
(2) so, thus, like that, such
VNEN thế là * then, thus *
VNEN thế này * this way, thus *
VNEN vầy * (1) thus, like that, so
(2) united
(3) to act reluctantly
VNEN vậy * so, thus, that *
VNEN đuôi mắt * canthus *
VNEN đầy nhiệt tình * to be enthusiastic, full of enthusiasm *