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OXF3000: lều tent
2984 My manager pointed out a potential problem with our new marketing plan. Giám đốc của tôi đã chỉ ra một vấn đề tiềm ẩn trong kế hoạch marketing mới của chúng tôi.

BNC6000 : tent [ Rank: 4148 ] n 👪

OPD : Seek medical attention. Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : Pay attention to warnings. Emergency Procedures
OPD : tent Outdoor Recreation

FN: tent n Buildings

VSLW123 chú ý to pay attention vsl3
VSLW123 chú ý to pay attention vsl3
VSLW123 hài lòng pleased, content vsl3
VSLW123 tha hồ to one's heart content vsl3
VSLW 45 Đại sứ đặc mệnh toàn quyền Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nội dung content [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự quan tâm attention/ care [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cố tình deliberately, intentionally [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm năng potential [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ý định intention, willing [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự chú ý attention [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm ẩn potential, implicit [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bền bỉ enduring, persistent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bất bình to discontent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trái với to be inconsistent with, on the contrary [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiềm năng potential [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhất quán consistent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 mang tính nhất quán consistent [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tiềm tàng latent [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 kiên định consistent [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 một cách cố ý intentionally [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sự bất bình discontent [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bất tài incompetent [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tôi mua chiếc máy tính thứ mười của tôi. I buy my tenth computer. Ordinal numbers
DUOS Nội dung của bài kiểm tra rất khó. The content of the test is very hard. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Nội dung content Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Không phải cố tình. It is not intentional. Miscellaneous
DUOS cố tình intentional Miscellaneous
DUOS Sự chú ý attention Abstract Objects 2

50L Tháng thứ mười là tháng mười. * The tenth month is October. 063

like: tent
VNEN a lô * hello (on phone, in announcements), attention! *
VNEN an bần * content with one’s poverty, satisfied with one’s (poor) fate *
VNEN an lạc * peace and comfort or contentment *
VNEN an phận * content, happy *
VNEN an phận thủ thường * content with one’s situation *
VNEN biết dường nào * to such an extent *
VNEN bá đạo * authoritarian, dictatorial, potent; short-cut *
VNEN bây * (1) shameless, brazen
(2) this, this extent
VNEN bất bình * unhappy, displeased, indignant, discontented; discontent *
VNEN bất lực * incapable, incompetent, ineffective, impotent, powerless, helpless; impotence *
VNEN bất mãn * dissatisfied, unhappy, discontented *
VNEN bất nhất * inconsistent *
VNEN bất tài * incapable, talentless, incompetent *
VNEN bấy * (1) tender, immature, green, (2) that, that extent *
VNEN bắt giam trái phép * illegal detention *
VNEN bằng lòng * (1) happy, satisfied, content
(2) to agree
VNEN bằng sáng chế * patent *
VNEN bền chí * persevering, patient, persistent *
VNEN bỏ ngoài tai * to pay no attention to, turn a deaf ear to, ignore *
VNEN cam lòng * to content oneself with, resign oneself *
VNEN cam phận * content; to resign oneself to one’s fate *
VNEN chiếu cố * to patronize, pay attention to, take care of, consider, make allowance for, patronize *
VNEN cho đến mức nào * to what extent *
VNEN chuẩn độ * standard, title (of gold), grade content (of ore) *
VNEN chán ngán * bored, (sick and) tired of, utterly discontented *
VNEN chú mục * to gaze at, concentrate one’s attention upon *
VNEN chú trọng * to pay attention, attach importance *
VNEN chú tâm * to concentrate on, pay attention to *
VNEN chú tâm đến vùng Âu Châu * to pay attention to, concentrate on Europe *
VNEN chú ý * to pay attention; note *
VNEN chăm chú * to be attentive, concentrate; concentrating, with concentration *
VNEN chăm chăm * fixedly, intently *
VNEN chăm sóc * care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for *
VNEN chưa từng có trước đây * never before seen, previously nonexistent, unprecedented *
VNEN chất chưởng * inconsistent in words, erratic, unreliable *
VNEN chối đây đẩy * deny persistently *
VNEN chớ thây * not worthy of our attention *
VNEN chủ trương * to advocate, assert, maintain, allege, claim, contend; claim, contention *
VNEN chủ tâm * intention, aim; intentionally *
VNEN chừng * about, approximately; rough measure, rough extent, rough estimate *
VNEN cách quãng * intermittent *
VNEN có bụng * intentional, have intention, plan to do something *
VNEN có chủ tâm * intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN có ý * to intend, mean; intentionally *
VNEN có ý định * to intend, have the intention *
VNEN cõi * world, area, extent, country, region *
VNEN cơ ngơi * property, power, potential *
VNEN cười giòn * laugh aloud in the fullness of one’s content *
VNEN cần quan tâm * to need, deserve attention *
VNEN cẩn thận * attentive, watchful, careful, prudent, cautious *
VNEN cắm lều * to pitch a tent *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN cố chấp * stubborn, obstinate, persistent *
VNEN cố tình * purposely, intentionally *
VNEN cố ý * deliberate, premeditated, purposeful, intentional, willful; to intend; purposely, intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN da láng * patent, enameled *
VNEN dung lượng * capacity, volume, content; to have a capacity of, hold *
VNEN dã tâm * wicked intention, bad ambition *
VNEN dường * degree, extent; to seem, be just like *
VNEN dập dờn * intermittent *
VNEN dậu * tenth year of the Chinese zodiac (“rooster”) *
VNEN dự định * to plan, expect; intention *
VNEN ganh gổ * compete with a bad intention *
VNEN gian tình * dishonest intention *
VNEN gạo mùa * tenth-month rice, autumn rice *
VNEN hiện hữu * existent, existing, present *
VNEN hiện sinh * existentialism, existentialist *
VNEN hiện ‎‎‎ý * present intention *
VNEN hiệu thế * potential difference *
VNEN hài lòng * happy, satisfied, content *
VNEN hàm lượng * content(s), quality *
VNEN hòa dịu * detente *
VNEN hả dạ * content; to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN hảo ý * good intention *
VNEN hầu như * almost, almost as if, almost to the extent that *
VNEN hể hả * satisfied, content *
VNEN hở cơ * let the cat out of the bag, expose unintentionally one’s weak spot *
VNEN hữu ý * intentional, wilfull *
VNEN khoái chí * happy, glad, content, satisfied *
VNEN khoái ý * be satisfied, content *
VNEN không để ý * to not pay attention *
VNEN không để ý lắm * to not pay much attention *
VNEN không để ý đến * to not pay attention to *
VNEN kiên định * firm, consistent *
VNEN kêu xin * beseech attention and granting of one’s wish *
VNEN kìa * hey (getting someone’s attention); before the day before yesterday, before the year before last year; over there, within sight *
VNEN ký kết một hiệp định * to sign an agreement, intention *
VNEN kệ * (1) shelf
(2) to ignore, leave alone, pay no attention to
VNEN liệt dương * impotent, with out sexual power *
VNEN làm bất mãn * to make someone unhappy, discontent *
VNEN làm mùa * make preparations for the tenth-month rice crop *
VNEN làm nổi bật lên * to make noticeable, bring out, call attention to *
VNEN làn sóng bất mãn * a wave of discontent *
VNEN lán * tent, hat, shack *
VNEN lán trại * camp, tent *
VNEN lúa mùa * tenth-month rice, winter crop *
VNEN lơ đễnh * inattentive, heedless, careless, thoughtless *
VNEN lưu tâm * to pay attention, heed *
VNEN lưu ý * to pay attention, note *
VNEN lắng nhắng * fussy, ostentations *
VNEN lắng tai nghe * to listen attentively, listen with all one’s *
VNEN lều * tent, shed, hut, cottage *
VNEN lộ liễu * evident, obvious, manifest, patent, evidently, obviously *
VNEN lỡ tay * unintentionally, inadvertently, accidentally, by mistake *
VNEN lục thần hoàn * a patent medicine for enlivening spirit *
VNEN mà! * (the speaker insists on the content of the sentence) *
VNEN mát lòng * be easy at heart, contented *
VNEN mát mặt * contented, well-off *
VNEN mâu thuẫn * to contradict, conflict; conflicting, contradictory, inconsistent; contraction, inconsistency, conflict, confrontation *
VNEN mãn ý * satisfied (with), content (with) *
VNEN mặc kệ * not to bother about ~, not to pay attention to ~, take *
VNEN mặc xác * to leave alone, ignore, not to pay attention to *
VNEN mồng mười tháng giêng * the tenth of January *
VNEN một mực * to persist, insist; steadfastly, persistently *
VNEN một phần mười * one tenth *
VNEN một điều đáng lưu ý là * one thing deserving attention is *
VNEN mục lục * (table of) contents, catalog, list *
VNEN mức * level, amount, degree, measure, extent, standard *
VNEN mỹ ý * good intention *
VNEN ngay ngáy * be on tenterhooks *
VNEN nghiêm * grave, strict, severe, stern, solemn; Attention! *
VNEN ngoài ý muốn * unintentional *
VNEN ngỏ ý * make known one’s intention, express one’s intention *
VNEN ngộ sát * manslaughter, unintentional homicide *
VNEN ngủ cho béo mắt * to sleep to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN nheo nhéo * call stridently and insistently *
VNEN nhà bạt * canvas tent *
VNEN nhà rạp * canvas tent (set up temporarily for a ceremony) *
VNEN nhà trừng giới * prison, penitentiary, reformatory *
VNEN nhãng tai * miss inadvertently, miss because of inattention, not listen properly *
VNEN như kiềng ba chân * firmly, consistently *
VNEN nhấp nhem * weak and intermittent *
VNEN nhấp nhổm * be on tenterhooks, be anxious *
VNEN nhất mực * steadfastly, persistently *
VNEN nhất quán * consistent; consistence *
VNEN nhắc nhở * to remind, call to attention *
VNEN nhẳn * intermittent *
VNEN nhẳn đau bụng * to have an intermittent pain in one’s stomach *
VNEN nêu * to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole *
VNEN nơm nớp * (be) on tenterhooks, (be) in a state of suspense; fearful, nervous *
VNEN nặng lòng * feel deep concern in, pay great attention to *
VNEN nội dung * subject, contents (of a speech, document); platform, purport, context *
VNEN nội dung những dữ kiện * contents of data *
VNEN nội dung thông điệp * contents of a message, message or letter body *
VNEN phấp phỏng * be on tenterhooks, be in anxious suspense *
VNEN phần mười * tenth *
VNEN phần nào * in part, partly, some extent, a certain degree *
VNEN phần nội dung * contents (of a letter, message) *
VNEN phỉ * satisfied, content; to slander, defame *
VNEN phỉ chí * satisfied, content *
VNEN phỉ dạ * to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN quan tâm * to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) *
VNEN quan tâm trước tình trạng * to pay attention to a situation *
VNEN rạp * tent, booth flat on the ground, theater *
VNEN rất quan tâm về * to pay a lot of attention to *
VNEN rắp mong * have the intention (to) *
VNEN rợp đất * cover a large extent of earth (with flags) *
VNEN sót nhau * placental retention *
VNEN sơ ý * negligent, inattentive *
VNEN sợ đến độ * to be so afraid that, be afraid to such an extent that *
VNEN sụt thế * fall of potential *
VNEN sự bất mãn * unhappiness, discontent *
VNEN sự chăm chú * attentive *
VNEN thiết ta * earnest, insistent *
VNEN thiết tha * earnest, insistent, keen *
VNEN thiện ý * good faith, good intention *
VNEN thành ý * good intention, good will *
VNEN thái độ bất nhất * an inconsistent attitude *
VNEN thư sướng * satisfied, contented, pleased *
VNEN thần thế * powerful, potent, mighty *
VNEN thế hiệu * potential *
VNEN thế năng * potential energy *
VNEN thỏa mãn * to content, satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer *
VNEN thủ phận * be content with one’s lot *
VNEN tiềm lực * potential *
VNEN tiềm năng * potential, potentiality *
VNEN tiềm tàng * potential, latent; to hide, conceal *
VNEN tiềm ẩn * latent, implicit *
VNEN toại chí * content, satisfied *
VNEN toại lòng * content, satisfied, pleased *
VNEN trai lơ * libertine, licentious, attentive to ladies, flirtations *
VNEN tràn cung mây * to one’s heart’s content *
VNEN trì * (1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
VNEN trình tòa * to register (model, patent) *
VNEN trình độ * degree, extent, level, standard, qualification *
VNEN trú ẩn * to take refuge, find shelter; hidden, latent *
VNEN trước sau như một * consistent *
VNEN trận bão dai * persistent storm *
VNEN tà tâm * ill will, evil intention *
VNEN tà ý * bad intention *
VNEN tình ý * intention *
VNEN tư tưởng an phận * contentness *
VNEN tấc * one tenth meter *
VNEN tẩn mẩn * minute detail, trifle; patiently attentive, careful *
VNEN tặc * (1) rebel
(2) ill intention
VNEN tỏ ra chú ý đế * to pay attention to *
VNEN tới cái gì nữa * what else, to what (further) extent, how much more *
VNEN tới cỡ nào * to what extent, how much *
VNEN tự tại * be satisfied, content, easy *
VNEN u phẫn * latent resentment, hatred *
VNEN vây vo * to show off, play the fool, put on airs, ostentatious *
VNEN vòi vĩnh * to clamor for, claim insistently *
VNEN vô năng * incapable, unfit, incompetent *
VNEN vô tài * incompetent, untalented *
VNEN vô tâm * inadvertent, unintentional *
VNEN vô tình * indifferent, apathetic, unintentional, unknowing, unwitting *
VNEN vô ý * to not be paying attention; unintentionally *
VNEN vốn vã * eager, attentive *
VNEN vừa lòng * happy, content, satisfied *
VNEN vừa ý * pleasant, pleasing; content, happy, pleased *
VNEN xem trọng * to pay attention to, attach importance to *
VNEN xúng xính * (of clothes) ample, large, spacious, ostentatious, pompous *
VNEN ác ý * malice, ill intention, malignity, ill will *
VNEN âm thầm * deep, profound, quiet, latent, secret; to keep quiet, secret *
VNEN èo èo * scold loudly and persistently *
VNEN ôi * (1) spoiled, rotten
(2) (exclamation of surprise or to get sb’s attention)
VNEN ý chí * will, intention *
VNEN ý kiến bất nhất * inconsistent ideas *
VNEN ý định * intention, will, thought, idea, plan *
VNEN ý định bành trướng * expansionist intention *
VNEN ý đồ * intention, design *
VNEN đau đáu * be on tenterhooks, feel anxious *
VNEN đeo đẳng * pursue persistently and eagerly, pursue steadily, follow *
VNEN điều đáng chú ý là * the thing deserving attention, pay attention to, is *
VNEN điều đáng lưu ý là * a thing deserving attention is *
VNEN điện thế * electric potential, potential *
VNEN đành lòng * satisfied, contented *
VNEN đành phận * resign oneself to one’s fate, be content with one’s lot *
VNEN đáng chú ý * to deserve, merit, warrant attention *
VNEN đáng lưu ý * to deserve, merit attention *
VNEN đúng mức * in the right measure, the right extent, in the right degree, moderate *
VNEN được sao hay vậy * be content with what you have *
VNEN đầu ngô mình sở * uncoordinated, incoherent, inconsistent *
VNEN đẳng thế * equipotential *
VNEN đến cỡ nào * to what extent, to what size *
VNEN đến một mức nào đấy * to a certain extent (measure, degree) *
VNEN đến như thế này * to this extent *
VNEN đến như vậy * to that extent, so much, to such a degree *
VNEN đến nỗi * to such an extent that, such a degree that *
VNEN đến thế * to that extent *
VNEN đến đâu * to a certain extent *
VNEN đến độ * to the extent (that), the point (that) *
VNEN đến độ hầu như * almost as if, almost to the extent that *
VNEN đến độ lố bịch * to a ridiculous extent *
VNEN để tâm * to pay attention to, mind *
VNEN để ý * to pay attention, regard, take notice of *
VNEN để ý kỹ * to pay careful attention *
VNEN để ý một điều * to pay attention to sth, notice something *
VNEN để ý tới * to pay attention to *
VNEN để ý đến * to pay attention to *
VNEN đệ thập * tenth *
VNEN đồng bóng * inconsistent *
VNEN đủ sức * able, competent *
VNEN ơi * (exclamation to get sb’s attention) *
VNEN ướm lòng * sound out intentions, put out feelers *
VNEN ướm lời * sound somebody out, ask tentatively *
VNEN ẩn nhiệt * latent heat *
VNEN ẩn tàng * implicit, hidden, concealed, latent *
VNEN ẩn ý * secret, hidden intention, implication, hint *