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OXF3000: tạm thời temporarily

BNC6000 : temporarily [ Rank: 4724 ] adv 👪

like: temporarily
VNEN giật * (1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
VNEN giựt * [= giật] (1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
VNEN khíu * to stitch temporarily *
VNEN ký ngụ * lodge (stay) temporarily *
VNEN lưu trú * reside temporarily *
VNEN nguyên * acting, holding a post temporarily; to be intact, unaltered, brand new, original; in full; all, whole, entire *
VNEN nhà rạp * canvas tent (set up temporarily for a ceremony) *
VNEN thay tạm * to replace temporarily *
VNEN trú chân * reside temporarily *
VNEN trợ thì * temporarily, provisionally *
VNEN tạm dung * to use temporarily, for the time being *
VNEN tạm giam * to hold temporarily, be in temporary custody *
VNEN tạm trú * to stay temporarily, temporarily reside *
VNEN tạm tuyển * temporarily select *
VNEN tề * village temporarily under the French control *