Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: tape recorder Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: tape Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: videotape Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,

OXF3000: vòi nước tap

BNC6000 : tap [ Rank: 4062 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : tap [ Rank: 2888 ] v 👪

OPD : tape measure Making Alterations
OPD : sterile tape First Aid
OPD : staple Office Skills
OPD : electrical tape Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : tape measure Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : duct tape Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : masking tape Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : stapler An Office
OPD : staples An Office
OPD : clear tape An Office
OPD : packing tape An Office
OPD : correction tape An Office
OPD : videotape A Birthday party

FN: tap v Appointing

VSLW 45 nghe lén to tap/eavesdrop [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 giấy phép con, cháu, chắt red tape [ Advanced Reading ]

like: tap
VNEN bi chí * epitaph *
VNEN bi văn * epitaph *
VNEN biến kỳ * metaphase *
VNEN băng * (1) ice
(2) straight
(3) bank
(4) ribbon, strip, band, bandage, tape
VNEN băng dính * adhesive tape, band-aid *
VNEN băng keo * adhesive tape, band-aid *
VNEN băng nhạc * music tape, music cassette *
VNEN băng nhựa * tape, Scotch tape *
VNEN băng từ * magnetic tape *
VNEN băng vidéo * video tapes *
VNEN băng đục lỗ * perforated tape *
VNEN bột báng * tapioca *
VNEN bột sắn * manioc flour, tapioca *
VNEN côm cốp * tap (on), patter (on) *
VNEN cải * (1) to change, reform, tap
(2) cabbage
VNEN dây nhựa * magnetic tape *
VNEN hình nhi thượng học * metaphysics *
VNEN ma nhê tô phôn * tape recorder *
VNEN mo nang * cataphyll (of bamboo), sheath of bamboo shoot *
VNEN máy ghi âm * tape recorder, audio recorder *
VNEN mở vòi nước * to turn on a faucet, turn on a tap *
VNEN nghe trộm * to eavesdrop, bug, (wire)tap *
VNEN ngón tay búp măng * delicate fingers, tapering fingers *
VNEN ná cao su * catapult, slingshot *
VNEN nước máy * running water (from a pipe), tap water *
VNEN quạt nan * bamboo tape fan *
VNEN run sán * tapeworm *
VNEN rô bi nê * tap, faucet *
VNEN rễ cọc * tap-root *
VNEN siêu hình * metaphysical *
VNEN siêu hình học * metaphysics *
VNEN súng cao su * catapult *
VNEN thon * tapering, tapered, dainty, slender, slim *
VNEN thon thon * tapering, slender, slim *
VNEN thuôn thuôn * slender, slim, tapering *
VNEN thuốc cao * cataplasm *
VNEN thuốc đắp * cataplasm, poultice *
VNEN thâu * (1) to record (on tape)
(2) see thu
VNEN thước dây * tape measure *
VNEN trong băng ghi âm * on tape, on a recording *
VNEN vòi * (1) faucet, tap
(2) spout
(3) feeler (insect)
(4) trunk (elephant)
VNEN vòi nước * tap, faucet, spout *
VNEN văn bia * epitaph *
VNEN điều áp dưới tải * tap changer *
VNEN đầu từ * magnetic head (of a tape recorder) *
VNEN ẩn dụ * metaphor *