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OXF3000: thề swear
2104 He doesn't approve of swearing. Anh ấy không đồng ý việc chửi bậy.

BNC6000 : swear [ Rank: 3212 ] v 👪

FN: swear v Commitment

VSLW123 phụ trang clothes accessory, dresswear vsl3

like: swear
VNEN chửi thề * (1)to swear, curse
(2) to bounce out, slip out
VNEN kết nghĩa * swear brotherhood, swear *
VNEN phát nguyện * to take or swear an oath *
VNEN phát thệ * to take or swear an oath *
VNEN thế ước * to vow, swear *
VNEN thề * to swear, pledge, vow *
VNEN thề bồi * to swear, vow *
VNEN thề non hẹn biển * swear with the mountains and seas as witnesses *
VNEN thề thốt * to swear an oath *
VNEN thề trung thành * to swear loyalty *
VNEN thề với trời đất * to swear to god *
VNEN thề ước * swear, pledge *
VNEN tuyên thệ * to swear, vow, take an oath *
VNEN tuyên thệ nhận lãnh nhiệm vụ * to take a oath of office, swear into office *
VNEN uống máu ăn thề * to pledge or swear allegiance by drinking *
VNEN văng tục * to curse, swear, use profanity *
VNEN ăn thầ * to swear *
VNEN ăn thể * to take an oath, swear brotherhood *
VNEN đoan thệ * swear, vow *
VNEN đào bới * to dig, excavate, turn over (earth); to call somebody names, curse and swear *