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BNC6000 : submit [ Rank: 2301 ] v 👪

OPD : Submit an application. Finding a Home

FN: submit v Submitting_documents
FN: submit v Giving_in

VSLW 45 nộp hồ sơ to submit an application [ Topic Reading ]

like: submit
VNEN dâng * to offer (tribute or gift), submit (to a king); to rise (of water) *
VNEN dự thầu * to put in a bid or tender, make a bid, submit a tender *
VNEN khuất nhục * kiss the dust, kiss the ground, submit *
VNEN khuất phục * to comply, yield, submit oneself to *
VNEN nạp * to load (a gun); to deliver; to pay, deposit, submit *
VNEN nạp đơn * to submit an application, apply *
VNEN nộp * (1) to submit, hand over, turn in, deliver, pay (a fine)
(2) see nạp
VNEN nộp đơn * to hand in a request, give up, hand over, submit an application, register one’s name (for something) *
VNEN nộp đơn xin * to turn in or submit an application *
VNEN phục * (1) to admire and respect, esteem, submit, yield
(2) clothes
(3) be accustomed to, bear (climate)
(4) again, anew; to repeat, reply, recover, recuperate
(5) to prostrate oneself; to lie in ambush
VNEN phục tòng * to submit oneself, yield to, obey *
VNEN phục tùng * to submit oneself, yield to, obey *
VNEN quy phục * to yield, submit, surrender *
VNEN quy thuận * to submit, surrender *
VNEN thần phục * to submit (to a conqueror) *
VNEN trình lên * to present, submit *
VNEN tòng phu * submit to one’s husband *
VNEN tòng phạm * to submit oneself to; accessory, accomplice (in a crime) *
VNEN tòng quyền * to submit to circumstances *
VNEN tùng phục * submit oneself to *
VNEN đâm đơn * to submit an application, apply for *
VNEN đưa đơn * submit an application *
VNEN đầu hàng * to surrender, submit, capitulate *
VNEN đệ * (1) order, rank, n-th (ordinalizer)
(2) to submit
VNEN đệ nạp * to submit *
VNEN đệ trình * to present, submit, set forth *
VNEN đệ đơn * to submit an application *
VNEN đệ đơn xin việc * to submit a job application *
VNEN đội đơn * to submit an application *