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SNOT: to steal Relations with other people • crime and justice

OXF3000: ăn cắp steal
2122 stealing. Bọn trộm đã đột nhập vào nhà nhưng không có gì đáng trộm hết.

BNC6000 : steal [ Rank: 1969 ] v 👪

FN: steal v Self_motion
FN: steal v Theft

VSLW123 trộm to steal, to burgle vsl3
VSLW123 trộm to steal, to burgle vsl3

like: steal
VNEN bí mật * secret, classified, confidential, unknown; secretly, stealthily *
VNEN bòn rỉa * to steal, misappropriate, take illegally *
VNEN chui lọt * to slip in, steal in *
VNEN chui lủi * steal away *
VNEN chuồn * to slip away, steal off *
VNEN chùng vụng * stealthily *
VNEN chớp * (1) lightning (bolt), flash, flare
(2) to display, show, lighten, blink, wink, project, show
(3) to steal, swipe, pinch, snatch
VNEN cuỗm * to steal, rob, make of with *
VNEN cướp * to rob, loot, ransack, steal; robbery, theft *
VNEN cướp mất * to steal, rob *
VNEN cướp đất * to steal one’s country *
VNEN cắp * (1) to steal, swipe
(2) to carry under one’s arm
VNEN dò la * to inquire stealthily, shadow, spy on, get information *
VNEN dấm dúi * secretly, by stealth, on the sly *
VNEN giấm giúi * sly (something, into someone’s hands); do (something) stealthily *
VNEN giật * (1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
VNEN giựt * [= giật] (1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
VNEN hớt ngọn * steal an early march on someone and get a profit *
VNEN lui lủi * slide away, steal away *
VNEN lấy cắp * to steal *
VNEN lẩm * eat, pull up by stealth *
VNEN lẩn * to slip away, steal off *
VNEN lọt * to slip in, pass through, sneak, steal; to fall into *
VNEN ngũ giới * the five prohibitions of Buddhism (no killing, no stealing, no sex, no vulgarity, no alcohol) *
VNEN nhót * oleaster; to steal, steal away, give the slip, slink out *
VNEN nẫng * swipe, steal *
VNEN rón * to stand on one’s tiptoes, walk with stealthy steps *
VNEN thầm lén * in secret, secretly, stealthily *
VNEN thầu * (1) contract
(2) to steal
VNEN trộm * to steal *
VNEN trộm cắp * thief, robber, steal, rob, theft *
VNEN táy máy * to twiddle with, toy with, thieve, steal trivial things *
VNEN vụng trộm * to act stealthily, secretly, on the sly *
VNEN ăn cắp * to rob, steal, filch, pilfer *
VNEN ăn trộm * to burglarize, rob, steal *
VNEN đánh cắp * to steal *