Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

OXF3000: nhân viên staff

BNC6000 : staff [ Rank: 457 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : staff [ Rank: 5355 ] v 👪

OPD : Nursing Staff Hospital
OPD : Hospital Staff Hospital

FN: staff n Employing
FN: staff v Working_a_post

VSLW123 nhân viên employee, staff vsl1
VSLW 45 đội ngũ giáo viên teaching staff [ Topic Reading ]

like: staff
VNEN cán * (1) to manage, attend to
(2) to grind
(3) handle, rod, staff, grip
(4) talent, skill
VNEN cán cơ * flag staff *
VNEN cán sự * junior staff-member, technician *
VNEN côn * club, stick, staff, rod, cudgel *
VNEN cần * (1) to be urgent, pressing; to need (to), want; to care
(2) hard working, industrious
(3) rod, pole, staff
(4) celery
VNEN cột cờ * flagpole, flagstaff, flag tower *
VNEN cờ rũ * flag at half staff, half mast *
VNEN gia thuộc * relatives, people in the family, household staff *
VNEN giản chính * streamline a staff by reducing it *
VNEN gậy * cane, stick, rod, staff *
VNEN gậy tày * quarterstaff *
VNEN gậy tầm xích * monk’s staff *
VNEN người họ bên ngoại * a relative on the distaff side *
VNEN người làm * servant, domestic help, staff member, employee *
VNEN nhân sự * human affairs, human resources, personnel, staff, workforce *
VNEN nhân viên * member, staff, employee, personnel, worker *
VNEN nhân viên an ninh * security (staff) *
VNEN nhân viên an ninh vũ trang * armed security (staff) *
VNEN phòng văn thư * staff room *
VNEN tham mưu * staff *
VNEN tham mưu trương * chief of staff *
VNEN thiết côn * iron staff *
VNEN thiền trượng * staff of a bonze *
VNEN thuê nhân viên * to hire staff, personnel *
VNEN tổng tham mưu * general staff *