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BNC6000 : sip [ Rank: 5718 ] v 👪

FN: sip n Ingestion
FN: sip v Ingestion

like: sip
VNEN bép xép * to gossip, tell tales, not keep a secret *
VNEN chuyện dài * gossip *
VNEN cửa miệng * mouth, lips, gossip *
VNEN ghen ăn tức ở * be bursting with envy, jealous, jealous gossip *
VNEN hớp * sip (of a drink) *
VNEN lạt * (1) water, insipid, flat, dull, faded
(2) bamboo string, rattan string
VNEN ngồi lê * hang about gossiping *
VNEN ngồi lê đôi mách * to gossip, indulge in gossip *
VNEN nhâm nhi * to sip *
VNEN nhạt nhẽo * tasteless, insipid; cool *
VNEN nhạt thếch * extremely insipid, unsavory *
VNEN nhấp giọng * take a sip *
VNEN nhấp giọng bằng nước chè * to take a sip of tea *
VNEN nhắm rượu * eat over sips of alcohol *
VNEN nhắp * to sip; to move slightly *
VNEN phóng lãng * loose, dissipated, dissolute *
VNEN tan * to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to *
VNEN tiêu tan * to dissipate, evaporate, disappear; dashed, destroyed *
VNEN truy hoan * to indulge in dissipation or debauchery *
VNEN tợp * to gulp, sip *
VNEN uống một hớp * to have a sip, drink a sip *
VNEN uống một ngụm bia * to drink a sip or mouthful of beer *
VNEN viêm quầng * erysipelas *
VNEN vô vị * insipid, colorless *
VNEN xi phông * siphon *
VNEN ăn nhạt * to eat insipid food *
VNEN đoảng vị * insipid *
VNEN nhắp thử * to try a sip *