Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

like: sickly
VNEN bệch * chalky, sickly white, pale *
VNEN cười nhạt * sickly laugh, laugh hollowly, canine laugh *
VNEN gầy yếu * sickly, lean, gaunt, emaciated *
VNEN mặt trắng bệch ra * a sickly white face *
VNEN ngoặt ngoẹo * to bend, not to stand upright; ailing, sickly *
VNEN xòi xọp * sickly *
VNEN xấu máu * bad blood, be in bad health, be ailing, sickly *
VNEN yểu tướng * to look sickly, show sign of a premature death *
VNEN èo uột * sickly, weak, poor *
VNEN đứa bé èo uột * a sickly child *
VNEN ốm o * ailing, sickly *