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OXF3000: hình dáng shape

BNC6000 : shape [ Rank: 1304 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : shape [ Rank: 2701 ] v 👪

OPD : body shaper / girdle Underwear and Sleepwear
OPD : Shapes Mathematics

FN: shape n Shapes
FN: shape v Reshaping

VSLW123 dáng shape, form (of person) vsl2
VSLW123 nón lá the conal shape hat vsl3
VSLW123 ô vuông square shape vsl3
VSLW 67 dải đất hình chữ S Vietnam (S-shaped strip of land) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 méo mó distorted / misshapen [ Advanced Reading ]

like: shape
VNEN bánh bàng * malabar almond-shaped cake *
VNEN bánh bỏng * ball-shaped cake *
VNEN bánh tai voi * elephant’s ear-shaped flat cake *
VNEN bát giác * octagon, octagonal shape *
VNEN bìu dái * penis-shaped *
VNEN bắt đầu thành hình * to begin to take shape *
VNEN bẹp * crushed, deformed, misshapen, flattened *
VNEN bẹp dúm * out of shape *
VNEN co dúm * contracted; to shrivel, shrink, shrink out of shape, cringe *
VNEN cạnh khế * star-shaped *
VNEN dao bài * card-shaped knife *
VNEN dao cau * little card-shaped knife *
VNEN dáng * air, appearance, shape *
VNEN dáng dấp * manner, air, shape *
VNEN dùi đục * club-shaped mallet *
VNEN dúm dụm * battered out of shape *
VNEN dăn dúm * winkled, out of shape *
VNEN dưa lê * pear-shaped melon *
VNEN dưới dạng * in the form of, shape of *
VNEN dưới hình thức nào * in what way, in what shape, how *
VNEN dạng * form, shape, format, air, appearance *
VNEN dạng chữ * font; shape, form of a character *
VNEN giáo hóa * instill knowledge to and shape the feelings of *
VNEN hun đúc * to form, forge, shape, temper *
VNEN hình * form, shape, appearance, photograph, picture *
VNEN hình dạng * form, shape, description, appearance *
VNEN hình thành * to take form or shape, come into being *
VNEN hình vành cung * crescent-shaped *
VNEN hình đồng dạng * similar shapes *
VNEN hổ phù * ancient military officers’ tigerhead-shaped seal *
VNEN khuôn * mold, model, shape, pattern *
VNEN khuôn khổ * (1) shape and size
(2) rules and regulations
VNEN khuôn khổ * shape and size *
VNEN khuôn mặt * (shape of a) face, person *
VNEN khổ mặt * (shape of) face *
VNEN kim khánh * stone-gong shaped gold medal *
VNEN máy bào * planer, shaper *
VNEN méo * deformed, distorted, out of shape *
VNEN méo mó * crooked, wry, distorted, deformed, twisted, contorted, misshapen *
VNEN móng rồng * a type of vine whose flowers have five petals, are yellow and shaped like dragon’s claws *
VNEN móp méo * misshaped, deformed *
VNEN mặt trái xoan * oval-shaped face *
VNEN nguyệt cầm * moon-shaped guitar *
VNEN nón thúng * basket-shaped bamboo hat *
VNEN quạt vả * leaf shaped fan *
VNEN quả tim * heart-heart-shaped pendant *
VNEN sự hình thành * form, shape, formation *
VNEN theo hình * in the form, shape of *
VNEN theo hình vòng cung * in the form of an arc, arc-shaped *
VNEN thành hình * to form up, take shape *
VNEN thân tàn ma dại * be in bad shape, decrepit *
VNEN tù mù * shapeless, cloudy, indistinct *
VNEN tấm hình * figure, shape, appearance *
VNEN uốn nắn * to shape, strengthen, mold (character) *
VNEN vuông vắn * to have a perfectly square shape, be regular in shape *
VNEN vô định hình * formless, amorphous, shapeless *
VNEN văn miệng * shape of the mouth *
VNEN xệch xạc * to become deformed, change in form or shape *
VNEN ăng ten hình bầu dục * disk (shaped) antenna *
VNEN ăng ten hình đĩa * disk (shaped) antenna *
VNEN đao kiếm * knife-shaped lance and sword, weapons *
VNEN đuôi gà * short-pig-tail (left hanging from a woman’s sausage-shaped turban) *
VNEN đài sen * lotus shaped lamp support *
VNEN đầy đặn * plump, shapely, round, generous *