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Specific Notions

OXF3000: niêm phong seal

BNC6000 : seal [ Rank: 4372 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : seal [ Rank: 4249 ] v 👪

OPD : seal Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles

FN: seal one's lips
FN: seal n Fastener
FN: seal v Closure
FN: seal v Hunting

like: seal
VNEN bản lệnh niêm phong * sealed orders *
VNEN chó biển * seal, sea-dog *
VNEN chưởng ấn * keeper of the seals *
VNEN chữ triện * seal characters *
VNEN con dấu * seal, stamp *
VNEN cái ấn * seal *
VNEN cặp chì * seal with lead, lead *
VNEN duyên số * long-sealed fate *
VNEN dấu * mark, sign, signal, (tone) mark, stamp, track, print, trace, tone, seal *
VNEN dấu kiểm nhận * visa, seal of approval *
VNEN dấu niêm * seal *
VNEN gắn xi * seal *
VNEN hạ triện * stamp, affix the stamp or seal *
VNEN hải báo * (1) seal, walrus
(2) semaphore
VNEN hải cầu * seal *
VNEN hải cẩu * sea-dog, seal *
VNEN hổ phù * ancient military officers’ tigerhead-shaped seal *
VNEN hủy dấu niêm bức thư * to break the seal of a letter *
VNEN in dấu * to affix a seal, imprint *
VNEN khai phong * open a (sealed) envelope *
VNEN khai ấn * open a seal *
VNEN khằng * sealing-wax *
VNEN mít * (1) jackfruit
(2) hermetically sealed, airtight
VNEN mộc * stamp, seal; unlacquered, unvarnished, unbleached *
VNEN ngọc tỉ * imperial seal *
VNEN ngọc tỷ * imperial seal *
VNEN ngọc ấn * jade seal *
VNEN nhẫn mặt * seal-ring, signet-ring *
VNEN niêm * seal; to seal *
VNEN niêm phong * to seal *
VNEN treo ấn từ quan * to return the seals *
VNEN triện * seal *
VNEN tỉ * (1) billion
(2) seal, stamp
(3) to compare
VNEN xi * sealing wax polish *
VNEN áp triện * to seal, affix a seal *
VNEN Ấn * (1) India, Indian, Hindi, Indo-
(2) to press, print
(3) official seal
VNEN ấn kiếm * seal and sword *
VNEN ấn triện * stamp, seal *
VNEN ấn tích * the impression of a seal *
VNEN ấn tín * official seal *