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OXF3000: chà rub

BNC6000 : rub [ Rank: 3335 ] v 👪

OPD : rubber mat A Bathroom
OPD : scrub the sink Housework
OPD : rubber gloves Cleaning Supplies
OPD : scrub brush Cleaning Supplies
OPD : scrubs Workplace Clothing
OPD : surgical scrub cap Workplace Clothing
OPD : surgical scrubs Workplace Clothing
OPD : rubber band An Office

FN: rub v Placing
FN: rub v Manipulation
FN: rub v Cause_bodily_experience

VSLW 45 cao su rubber [ Topic Reading ]

like: rub
VNEN bôi * (1) to smear, rub out, blot out, be careless
(2) cup
VNEN bôi xóa * to rub out, erase *
VNEN bụi * (1) dust, dusty
(2) mourning, grieving
(3) thicket, brush, shrub
VNEN bụi cây * bush, shrubbery *
VNEN cao su * rubber *
VNEN cao su kóa học * synthetic, artificial rubber *
VNEN cung quăng * larva, grub *
VNEN * (1) eggplant
(2) to rub, grind
VNEN cây cao su * rubber tree *
VNEN cạ * to rub *
VNEN cạo gió * (scratch the wind) coin rubbing (an old folk remedy) *
VNEN cảnh sát bắn súng nước và đạn cao su * the police fired water cannons and rubber bullets *
VNEN cọ * (1) to rub, polish
(2) palm tree
VNEN cọ quẹt * to rub *
VNEN cọ quẹt vào nhau * to rub against each other *
VNEN cọ xát * friction; to rub repeatedly, come into contact with *
VNEN di * to move to leave behind, crush with feet by rubbing *
VNEN dụi * to rub (out), crush *
VNEN dụi mắt * to rub one’s eyes *
VNEN giây cao su * rubber band *
VNEN giụi mắt * to rub one’s eyes *
VNEN hồng bảo * ruby *
VNEN hồng ngọc * ruby *
VNEN hộp quẹt * to rub; match (for starting a fire) *
VNEN khẳng khiu * skinny, scrawny, scraggy, scrubby *
VNEN * to rub off, rub out *
VNEN kỳ * (1) term, period, session; issue, number (of a periodical)
(2) strange, odd, eccentric
(3) until
(4) chess
(5) flag
(6) to request, hope for
(7) to rub
VNEN ma * (1) ghost
(2) narcotics; [3] hemp, sesame
(4) to rub
VNEN ma sát * to rub against *
VNEN mài * to rub, file, whet *
VNEN quèn quẹt * rub, coat, smear *
VNEN quỳnh * ruby phyllocactus *
VNEN quỳnh bôi * ruby cup *
VNEN ru bi * ruby *
VNEN rúp * ruble (unit of currency) *
VNEN rơm rác * trash, rubbish *
VNEN rượu chổi * camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol *
VNEN sác * shrubs growing by the seashore *
VNEN thoa * to rub (on), appoint *
VNEN tiên đồng * little angel, cherub *
VNEN tẩy xóa * to rub out, erase *
VNEN * (1) jar, [CL for jarfulls]
(2) to rumple, crumble, crush, rub, scratch
(3) tangled silk thread
VNEN vú cao su * rubber nipple, falsies *
VNEN vải nhựa * rubberized cloth, oil cloth, impregnated cloth *
VNEN xoa * to rub *
VNEN xoa xoa * rub oneself gently *
VNEN xà bần * rubble, debris *
VNEN xác pháo * rubbish of firecrackers *
VNEN xát * to rub *
VNEN xóa * to erase, cross out, obliterate, wipe out, rub out *
VNEN xóa bỏ * to cross out, erase, annul, delete, rub out, suppress, abolish, eliminate *
VNEN xức * to moisturize, rub, apply *
VNEN đá vụn * rubble, pebble, gravel, small rock *
VNEN đánh gió * rub out a cold *
VNEN đạn cao su * rubber bullet *
VNEN đống đổ nát * pile of debris, rubble *