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2804 I didn't enjoy my last job. When I got fed up with it, I asked to resign. Tôi không thích công việc trước của tôi. Khi tôi chán nó, tôi đã xin thôi việc.

BNC6000 : resign [ Rank: 2541 ] v 👪

FN: resign v Quitting

VSLW 67 buộc thôi việc to be forced to resign [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 từ chức to resign [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tôi muốn từ chức nhưng bố của tôi không cho phép. I want to resign, but my father does not allow me. Politics
DUOS từ chức resign Politics
DUOS Nếu Tổng thống không từ chức, chúng tôi sẽ đình công. If the President does not resign, we will go on strike Politics

like: resign
VNEN cam * (1) to resign oneself to
(2) orange
(3) sweet, pleasant
VNEN cam lòng * to content oneself with, resign oneself *
VNEN cam phận * content; to resign oneself to one’s fate *
VNEN cam tâm * to resign oneself to, make up one’s mind to *
VNEN chịu bó tay * resigned, helpless *
VNEN chịu trận * to accept with resignation *
VNEN cáo lão * to resign under pretence of advanced age *
VNEN cáo quan * to resign as mandarin *
VNEN nhịn nhục * to swallow an insult, bear, resign oneself *
VNEN rời chức vụ * to leave office, resign one’s position *
VNEN thôi việc * to resign one’s job, leave one’s job, resign, stop working *
VNEN từ chức * to resign (from office), step down *
VNEN từ nhiệm * to resign *
VNEN từ quan * to resign as mandarin *
VNEN đành * to have no choice (but to do something), resign oneself to do sth *
VNEN đành chịu * to resign oneself (to do something) *
VNEN đành phận * resign oneself to one’s fate, be content with one’s lot *