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OXF3000: từ chối refuse
2391 He refused to eat anything. Anh ấy từ chối không ăn gì.
2836 His lawyer refused to answer the policeman's question. Luật sư của anh ấy từ chối trả lời câu hỏi của viên cảnh sát.

BNC6000 : refuse [ Rank: 979 ] v 👪

FN: refuse v Agree_or_refuse_to_act
FN: refuse v Respond_to_proposal

VSLW123 từ chối to refuse, to decline vsl3
VSLW123 từ chối to refuse vsl3

like: refuse
VNEN bàn lùi * argue to refuse (to do something), argue somebody out of doing *
VNEN bác lời * to refuse, contradict *
VNEN bị từ chối * to be refused (something) *
VNEN bịt tai * to cover one’s ears, stop one’s ears, refuse to listen *
VNEN chất phế thải * refuse *
VNEN cự tuyệt * to refuse, reject decline *
VNEN dằn hắt * to refuse, deny *
VNEN giãy nảy * (1) to start, jump up
(2) to refuse categorically, refuse very positively
VNEN khí vật * waste, refuse *
VNEN khước từ * to refuse, decline *
VNEN kiếu * to excuse oneself; to refuse, decline *
VNEN lờ * to pretend not to know, refuse to acknowledge *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng * refuse to listen to *
VNEN nhủng nhẳng cưỡng lời cha mẹ * to refuse to listen to and act against one’s parents advice *
VNEN nói không * to say no, refuse *
VNEN nằm ì * squat, stay on at a place and refuse to move *
VNEN phế vật * refuse, waste material *
VNEN quật cường * to refuse to surrender or give up; indomitable *
VNEN riêng Ấn Độ từ chối * only India refused *
VNEN rác * garbage, refuse, waste, trash *
VNEN từ chối * to refuse, decline, turn down *
VNEN từ hôn * to refuse somebody’s offer of marriage, refuse somebody *
VNEN từ khước * to refuse, decline, reject *
VNEN uế vật * dirt, filth, garbage, refuse *
VNEN vi lệnh * refuse to obey an order *
VNEN vỗ nợ * to refuse to pay one’s debt *