Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

like: ramp
VNEN bệ phóng * ramp *
VNEN bờ dốc * ramp *
VNEN bờ lũy * fence, rampart *
VNEN chui rúc * to huddle (into a cramped place) *
VNEN chuột rút * cramp *
VNEN chà đạp * to trample down, on; to crush *
VNEN co gân * cramp *
VNEN cây cối sùm sòa * rampant vegetation *
VNEN dẫm * to step, trample *
VNEN giày xéo * trample upon *
VNEN giày đạp * trample down *
VNEN giẵm * to crush, trample, stamp (on) *
VNEN lan rộng * to spread widely; widespread, difficult to stop, rampant *
VNEN lũy * rampart *
VNEN móc sắt * crampon *
VNEN phiêu đãng * live a vagabond life, be a tramp *
VNEN sùm sòa * grow rank, be rampant *
VNEN thành lũy * fortifications, bastion, rampart, stronghold, defense works *
VNEN tù túng * cramped *
VNEN xéo * treat on, trample on *
VNEN đạp * (1) [CL for armies]
(2) to kick, trample, tread, step on, stamp
VNEN ổ chuột * mouse’s nest, small cramped dirty place, rat-hole *