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OXF3000: nâng cao raise
1940 Do you think you'll get a raise soon? — I hope so. Cậu có nghĩ cậu sẽ sớm lên chức không? - Tôi cũng hi vọng thế.
2374 She raises her children as a single mother on her own. Cô ấy tự nuôi con một mình kiểu bà mẹ đơn thân.
2962 My parents were away on business when I was a child, so my grandparents brought me up. > My grandparents raised me. Bố mẹ tôi đi làm xa khi tôi còn bé nên ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. > Ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn.

BNC6000 : raise [ Rank: 549 ] v 👪

OPD : Raise your hand A classroom
OPD : praise Childcare and Parenting

FN: raise v Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale
FN: raise v Building
FN: raise v Causation
FN: raise v Growing_food

VSLW123 lời khen compliment, praise vsl2
VSLW123 tăng lương to increase / raise salary vsl3
VSLW123 tăng lương to increase / raise salary vsl3
VSLW123 khen to comppliment, to praise vsl3
VSLW 45 nâng to raise [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nâng (cao) to raise [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 hét giá: đẩy giá to raise prices/ set high prices at one's own desire [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 thẩm định to appraise / to assess [ Advanced Reading ]

like: raise
VNEN ban khen * to praise, congratulate *
VNEN ca gợi * to praise *
VNEN ca ngợi * to congratulate, praise *
VNEN ca tụng * to congratulate, praise, eulogize *
VNEN ca vịnh * sing and praise, sing the praise of *
VNEN chiêu binh * to raise troops *
VNEN chúc tụng * to complement, praise, toast *
VNEN cải thiện * to improve, reform, raise the standard of *
VNEN cảnh cáo * to (raise an) alarm, warn *
VNEN cất binh * to raise troops *
VNEN cất chén * raise one’s cup of wine *
VNEN cất giọng * to raise one’s voice *
VNEN cất lên * to raise, come up *
VNEN cất quân * to raise troops *
VNEN cất tiếng * to begin to speak, begin to sing, raise one’s voice *
VNEN cổ xúy * to support, advocate, call for; to applaud, praise, eulogize *
VNEN cử binh * raise an army *
VNEN cự * to delegate, raise, move; to scold, oppose, resist *
VNEN * (1) dirty, filthy, unclean
(2) to raise
VNEN dơ tay * to raise a hand *
VNEN dấy binh * to raise troops *
VNEN dấy nghĩa * raise the great cause banner *
VNEN dấy quân * raise troops *
VNEN dựng * to set up, erect, raise, found *
VNEN dựng lên * to erect, raise *
VNEN giám định * to appraise, estimate, examine and to decide *
VNEN giâm * to raise *
VNEN giơ (cao) biểu ngữ * to raise a banner *
VNEN giơ * to show, raise *
VNEN giơ biểu ngữ * to raise a banner *
VNEN giơ cao * to raise, lift up *
VNEN giơ cao biểu ngữ * to raise a banner *
VNEN giơ cờ trắng * to raise the white flag, surrender *
VNEN giơ tay * to raise one’s hand *
VNEN giương cao * to hold aloft, raise high (up) *
VNEN giải tỏa * to raise a blockade, release (funds, documents, etc.) *
VNEN giải tỏa những thắc mắc * to raise concerns *
VNEN giải vây * raise a siege, raise the encirclement-help out of danger, put out of *
VNEN giỏng * to raise *
VNEN gây quỹ * to raise funds *
VNEN hành giả * monk (who goes from place to place to raise money) *
VNEN hô lên * to raise one’s voice, cry out *
VNEN hưng binh * raise an army, raise troops *
VNEN hấp * to steam, braise, curse, dry-clean (clothes), inhale, absorb *
VNEN hất * (1) to fling, push, oust, throw (horse)
(2) to raise
VNEN hất hàm * to jerk up one’s chin (as a sign); to raise one’s voice *
VNEN khai mạc * to open, start, raise a curtain *
VNEN khen * to congratulate, praise, compliment *
VNEN khen chê * to praise and blame, criticize *
VNEN khen ngợi * to praise, congratulate *
VNEN khá khen * praiseworthy *
VNEN khêu * to raise, extract *
VNEN khó dễ * make difficulties, raise difficulties *
VNEN khởi binh * raise an army for a war *
VNEN kiếm tiền * to find money, raise money, make money *
VNEN kéo cờ * to hoist, raise the flag *
VNEN kéo mành lên * to raise the blinds *
VNEN làm tăng * to increase, raise *
VNEN lên giọng * to raise the pitch, up the tone, raise one’s *
VNEN lên tiến tố cáo * to raise one’s voice in denunciation *
VNEN lên tiếng * to (raise one’s) voice, express one’s opinion, voice *
VNEN lên tiếng cáo buộc * to voice, raise an accusation *
VNEN lên tiếng tố cáo * to voice or raise accusations *
VNEN lên tiếng yêu cầu * to voice, raise a request *
VNEN lên tiếng đả kích * to raise one’s voice in criticism *
VNEN lạc quyên * raise money, raise the wind, subscribe money *
VNEN lạm bổ * (of taxes) raise the rent *
VNEN lấy tiền * to raise money, take money *
VNEN lời ca ngợi * words of praise *
VNEN lời khen * praise, compliment *
VNEN lời tán dương * (words of) praise *
VNEN lợn thịt * pig raised for food, porker *
VNEN mèo khen mèo dài đuôi * the cat praises its own tail (to blow one’s own horn) *
VNEN mở màn * to develop, enlarge, raise the curtain, begin *
VNEN ngóc đầu * list one’s head, raise one’s head *
VNEN ngước * to raise, bend, stretch upward (face or neck) *
VNEN ngấc * lift, raise *
VNEN ngẩng * to lift, raise (neck, head, face), look up *
VNEN ngậu * raise a fuss *
VNEN ngợi ca * praise, sing the praise (of) *
VNEN ngửa * to lift, raise *
VNEN ngửa đầu * to life, raise one’s head *
VNEN ngửng * to raise, turn up, lift (one’s head) *
VNEN nhóc nhách * be able to sit up (after being laid up), raise (a little, slightly, lift) (a little, slightly) *
VNEN nhô * to jut out, protrude, project; to raise, rise *
VNEN nhô cao * to raise up (high) *
VNEN nhướng * to raise (eyebrows) *
VNEN nhấc * to lift, raise *
VNEN nhấc lên * to lift, raise *
VNEN nhắc * to remind, recall, mention; to lift, raise, displace *
VNEN nuôi trâu bò * to raise cattle, livestock *
VNEN nuôi tầm * to breed, raise *
VNEN náo * noisy; to cause a disturbance, raise an uproar, raise a din *
VNEN nâng * to raise, support, lift, pick up *
VNEN nâng bậc * raise (salaries, wages) to a higher scale *
VNEN nâng cao * to lift, raise, enhance *
VNEN nâng cao mức sống * to raise the living standards *
VNEN nâng cây súng lên * to lift a gun, raise a gun *
VNEN nâng cốc * raise one’s glass *
VNEN nâng cốc chúc ai * to raise one’s glass to someone’s health *
VNEN nâng giá * raise price *
VNEN nâng ly * to raise one’s glass (in a toast) *
VNEN nâng ly lên * to raise one’s glass (in a toast) *
VNEN nêu * to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole *
VNEN nêu lên * to bring up, raise (a question, e.g.); to display, show *
VNEN nêu lên một câu hỏi * to raise a question *
VNEN nêu lên những nghi vấn * to raise questions *
VNEN nưng * lift, raise *
VNEN nắc nỏm * be full of praise, be full of admiration *
VNEN nổi lên * to raise up, light up *
VNEN nổi mề đay * raised rash *
VNEN phô phang * boast, vaunt, praise oneself, show off, flash about *
VNEN quyên góp * raise a subscription, subscribe *
VNEN quyết đoán * appraise (assess) with certainty *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN súc mục * breeding, raising, rearing (of cattle); to raise cattle, animals *
VNEN thâu thuế * to raise taxes *
VNEN trầm trồ * praise, be full of admiration *
VNEN tán dương * to praise *
VNEN tán thán * to praise, eulogize *
VNEN tán tụng * to sing the praise of *
VNEN tâng * to raise (moral value) *
VNEN tâng bốc * to raise, (over)praise *
VNEN tăng * (1) to increase, raise
(2) tank, (armored vehicle)
(3) Buddhist priest, Buddhist monk
(4) to hate
VNEN tăng lãi suất * to raise interest rates *
VNEN tăng lương * to increase one’s wages, give sb a raise *
VNEN tăng thêm các khoản thuế * to raise taxes *
VNEN tăng tiền thuê * to raise the rent *
VNEN tự khoa * boast, vaunt, praise oneself *
VNEN vểnh * to perk up, prick up, raise *
VNEN xù lông * to raise, ruffle feathers *
VNEN xưng tụng * to praise, commend, extol, eulogize *
VNEN âu ca * sing in chorus the praises *
VNEN ăn lên * to get a raise, promotion *
VNEN ăn vạ * to stage a sit-down strike, throw a tantrum, raise a fuss *
VNEN đáng khen * praiseworthy, laudable, commendable *
VNEN đánh giá * to estimate, evaluate, value, appraise, judge, assess *
VNEN đưa cây súng lên * to raise a gun *
VNEN đưa lên * to raise, bring up, bring before *
VNEN đại náo * raise an uproar *
VNEN đặt lên * to raise, put on *
VNEN đề binh * raise an army *
VNEN đề bạt * to promote, be raised (in position) *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *
VNEN định giá * to fix a price, set a price, estimate, appraise *
VNEN định giá nhà * to appraise a house *
VNEN ỏm * make a noise, raise a din *