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Specific Notions

OXF3000: nhanh chóng quick
1197 All the tickets for the concert were sold very quickly. Tất cả vé của buổi hoà nhạc đã được bán rất nhanh.
2259 Some children learn very quickly. Một số đứa trẻ học rất nhanh.
2571 We know how to learn languages incredibly quickly. Chúng tôi biết làm sao để học ngôn ngữ nhanh đến khó tin.
2772 The company grew quickly due to a strong demand FOR its products. Công ti phát triển nhanh nhờ nhu cầu mạnh về các sản phẩm của nó.

BNC6000 : quick [ Rank: 1608 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : quick [ Rank: 5817 ] adv 👪

OPD : Quick and Easy Cake Food Preparation and Safety

FN: quick a Speed_description
FN: quick a Taking_time

VSLW123 nhanh fast, quickly vsl1
VSLW123 sáng dạ bright, quick witted vsl3
VSLW123 sáng dạ bright, quick witted vsl3

DUOS Con chó của tôi rất nhanh. My dog is very quick. Adjectives 1
DUOS nhanh quick, fast Adjectives 1
DUOS Tôi nhanh hay chậm? Am I quick or slow? Adjectives 1

like: quick
VNEN bén nhạy * sharp, quick *
VNEN bùng ra * to break out, start quickly *
VNEN bảnh lảnh * smart and quick *
VNEN bật lò xo * to spring, react strongly and quickly *
VNEN chạm nọc * to touch (someone) to the raw, cut (someone) to the quick *
VNEN chạy lẹ * to run away quickly *
VNEN chạy vội * to run quickly *
VNEN chụp giật * snatch, mugging, quick fit *
VNEN càng sớm càng tốt * the sooner the better, as quickly as possible *
VNEN cát vần * quicksand *
VNEN dấn bước * strive to work quicker *
VNEN dẻo tay * agile, quick, prompt, efficient *
VNEN dồn dập * great numbers, great quantities; to accumulate; repeated; rapid, quick *
VNEN hoạt tinh * have a quick ejaculation *
VNEN học mau * to be a quick learner *
VNEN hỏi dồn dập * to ask quickly *
VNEN lanh * fast, quick, agile, alert, intelligent *
VNEN lanh lẹ * quick, speedy, fast *
VNEN lanh lợi * alert, agile, vivacious, quick-witted *
VNEN lăm xăm * running in quick and small steps *
VNEN lướt * to glance through, surf (the web), glide, pass by (quickly) *
VNEN lẹ * fast, speedy, quick, rapid *
VNEN lẹ làng * fast, speedy, prompt, quick *
VNEN lửa rơm cháy phèo * a straw fire burns out quickly *
VNEN mau * quick, fast, speedy, rapid *
VNEN mau chóng * rapid, fast, prompt, quick *
VNEN mau lẹ * fast, nimble, quick, prompt, swift, speedy, rapid *
VNEN mau miệng * have a glib tongue, have the quick reply *
VNEN máu nóng * hot-tempered, quick-tempered, warm-blooded *
VNEN mít ướt * to be quick to cry *
VNEN mấp máy * to move lightly and quickly *
VNEN mẫn tiệp * diligent, quick-witted, smart, sharp *
VNEN mẫn tuệ * intelligent and quick-witted *
VNEN một cách nhanh chóng * quickly *
VNEN ngỏm dậy * sit up quickly *
VNEN nhanh * fast, rapid, quick, speedy *
VNEN nhanh chóng * quick, fast, rapid, prompt; quickly, swiftly, promptly *
VNEN nhanh lẹ * fast, prompt, quick *
VNEN nhanh mắt * sharp-eyed, quick-eyed *
VNEN nhanh như chớp * as quick as lightning, lightning-fast *
VNEN nhanh như cắt * quick as a flash *
VNEN nhanh tay * quick with one’s hands, swift-handed, alert, nimble *
VNEN nhanh trí * quick-witted *
VNEN nhanh trí và lắm mưu cơ * quick-minded and full of timely tricks *
VNEN nhìn thoáng qua * to glance at, look at quickly *
VNEN nhạy * sensitive; prompt, quick *
VNEN nhạy miệng * have a quick tongue *
VNEN nhặt * small; to pick up, gather, collect, take; fast, quick *
VNEN nói mau * to talk fast, talk quickly *
VNEN nóng * hot, burning, anxious (to do something), hot-tempered, quick-tempered *
VNEN nóng ăn * to have a burning desire for quick success *
VNEN phèo * (1) tasteless
(2) bowels, intestines of animals
(3) to give off, ooze out
(4) fleetingly, quickly
(5) extremely, very
VNEN phới * leave quickly (a place) *
VNEN quên rất mau chóng * to forget quickly *
VNEN rảo bước * to hurry, quicken, pick up the pace *
VNEN sáng láng * quick-witted, intelligent *
VNEN sáng trí * quick-minded, quick-witted *
VNEN sáng ý * quick-witted *
VNEN sơ qua * sketchy, rough, quick *
VNEN te tái * rapid, quick, speedy, fast *
VNEN thau tháu * to accelerate, quicken, hasten, press forward, talk fast, act rapidly *
VNEN thoáng * vague, quick, rapid *
VNEN thoắng * fast, quickly, rapidly, with speed *
VNEN thật mau * very quickly, very fast *
VNEN tinh ý * sharp-witted, ready-witted, quick-witted, shrewd, sharp *
VNEN ton ton * to run, hasten, go quickly *
VNEN triến * prompt, quick, active, ready *
VNEN trôi đi quá mau * to pass too quickly, be over too soon *
VNEN tốc thành * accomplish quickly *
VNEN tốc độ chóng * speed, velocity; quick, fast *
VNEN vèo nhanh * fast, quick *
VNEN vôi sống * caustic lime, quicklime *
VNEN vội vã tiến tới độc lập * to move quickly towards independence *
VNEN với nhịp độ nhanh * quickly, at a rapid rate, speedily *
VNEN với tốc độ nhanh * quickly, rapidly *
VNEN đánh quả * quickie *
VNEN ồ ạt * to mass, crowd; to move quickly; impetuous *