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OXF3000: đặt ra pose
1874 Let's go and see that movie. It's supposed to be good. Đi xem bộ lm đó đi. Bộ lm nghe bảo là hay.
1875 The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. Kế hoạch đáng ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi.
1876 What are you doing at work? You're supposed to be on vacation. Cậu đang làm gì ở cơ quan? Đáng ra cậu phải đang đi nghỉ chứ.
1877 Svetlana was supposed to call me last night, but she didn't. Svetlana lẽ ra tối qua phải gọi cho tôi nhưng cô ấy không gọi.
1878 I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to meet Maksim in t(10) minutes. Tôi cần phải nhanh. Tôi phải gặp Maksim trong vòng mười phút nữa.
1879 You're not supposed to park your car here. It's private parking only. Cậu không được phép đỗ xe ở đây. Chỗ này chỉ dành cho đỗ xe riêng.
1880 Our guests were supposed to arrive at sevthirty (7:30), but they were late. Khách của chúng tôi lẽ ra phải đến lúc bảy rưỡi nhưng họ đã đến muộn.
1881 Gerard is feeling much better after his operation, but he's still not supposed to do any heavy lifting. Gerard đang cảm thấy khoẻ hơn sau phẫu thuật nhưng anh ấy vẫn chưa được phép nhấc vật nặng.
1945 Is Hitomi working tomorrow? — I suppose so. Mai Hitomi làm việc à? - Tôi cho là vậy.
2758 I didn't mean to annoy you, I didn't do it ON purpose. Tôi không cố ý làm phiền cậu, tôi không cố tình làm thế.

BNC6000 : pose [ Rank: 2838 ] v 👪

OPD : composer World History
OPD : overexposed Electronics and Photography
OPD : underexposed Electronics and Photography

FN: pose v Posing_as

VSLW123 đề nghị to propose, to suggest vsl1
VSLW123 đề nghị to suggest, to propose vsl3
VSLW123 mục đích the objective, purpose vsl3
VSLW123 đề nghị to suggest, to propose vsl3
VSLW123 mục đích the objective, purpose vsl3
VSLW123 mục đích goal, purpose, bjective vsl3
VSLW 45 đề xuất to propose [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đề xuất to propose [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đề xuất to propose [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 mục đích purpose [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đặc dụng special-purpose [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 phản đối to oppose [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 phản đối to protest, to oppose [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lật tẩy to uproot / to expose / to debunk [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 giả sử to suppose [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tôi muốn biết những mục đích của các bạn. I want to know your purposes. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS mục đích purpose Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Mục đích của cuộc sống là gì? What is the purpose of life? Abstract Objects 2

like: pose
VNEN biện bạch * to clearly show, expose *
VNEN bài binh bố trận * to array troops, dispose troops in battle formation *
VNEN bài liệt * dispose, arrange, place, put, set *
VNEN bài xích * to be opposed to, against; opposition *
VNEN bán công * private (as opposed to publicly funded) *
VNEN bêu * to display, exhibit, show, expose *
VNEN bình tĩnh * calm, composed; to be, keep, remain calm *
VNEN bình tỉnh * calm, cool, collected, composed *
VNEN bại lộ * to come to light, be revealed, be exposed leak out, come out *
VNEN bầy tỏ * to express, expose, present *
VNEN bắt bí * to impose one’s terms, put pressure on *
VNEN bắt chẹt * to impose one’s strict terms, put pressure on *
VNEN bộc lộ * to expose, uncover, reveal, divulge, disclose, open *
VNEN che đậy mục đích * to hide, conceal one’s purpose, goal *
VNEN chuyển vị * to transpose *
VNEN chí hướng * sense of purpose *
VNEN chính văn * original text (as opposed to a copy) *
VNEN chõi * to resist, oppose, support *
VNEN chất nổ thường * conventional (as opposed to nuclear, e.g.) explosive *
VNEN chậm rãi * (of speech) slow and posed *
VNEN chống * oppose, against; anti- *
VNEN chống báng * resist, oppose *
VNEN chống lại * to resist, oppose, be against *
VNEN chống lại chính quyền * to oppose the government *
VNEN chống lại ý * to oppose an idea *
VNEN chống nhau * to oppose each other, one another *
VNEN chống đối * to oppose; opposition *
VNEN chống đối lại * to be opposed to *
VNEN chủ ý * main goal, primary objective, main meaning, main purpose *
VNEN chủ đích * main aim, main purpose, primary objective, chief goal *
VNEN chừng như * supposedly *
VNEN cung khai * to depose, confess *
VNEN cái * (1) [CL for most inanimate objects, isolated events]
(2) object, thing
(3) female
(4) main, principle
(5) solid substances in soup (as opposed to nước, the liquid, broth)
VNEN cáo trình * expose, present *
VNEN có chủ tâm * intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN có một mục đích chung * to have a mutual, common goal, purpose *
VNEN cảm mạo * to be indisposed (by a cold), catch a cold *
VNEN cấu thành * to complete, form, make up, create, compose *
VNEN cấu tạo * to build, create, compose, construct, design, engender; structure, makeup, composition *
VNEN cố tình * purposely, intentionally *
VNEN cố ý * deliberate, premeditated, purposeful, intentional, willful; to intend; purposely, intentionally, on purpose *
VNEN cứu cánh * object, goal, aim, end (as opposed to the means) *
VNEN cự * to delegate, raise, move; to scold, oppose, resist *
VNEN cực lực phản đối * to strongly oppose *
VNEN dàn trận * to dispose the troops in battle formation *
VNEN dãi dầu * be exposed, exposed to the elements *
VNEN dãi gió dầm mưa * be exposed to wind and rain *
VNEN dãi nắng * exposed to the sunlight *
VNEN dãi nắng dầm sương * exposed to sun and dew *
VNEN dê diếu * expose to shame *
VNEN dạm * to offer, propose *
VNEN dạm hỏi * propose marriage *
VNEN dịch giọng * transpose *
VNEN ga xép * local station (as opposed to express) *
VNEN giai * (1) male (as opposed to female) *
VNEN giả danh * to pose as, call oneself *
VNEN giả sử * to suppose, supposing *
VNEN giả thiết * to suppose; supposition, theory *
VNEN giới nghiêm * proclaim martial law, impose a curfew *
VNEN gái * female (as opposed to male) *
VNEN hoai * completely decomposed compost *
VNEN hành văn * to compose, style *
VNEN hắt nắng * exposed to the sun, sultry, sun-splashed *
VNEN hổng hểnh * full of gaps, widely gaping, exposed *
VNEN hở cơ * let the cat out of the bag, expose unintentionally one’s weak spot *
VNEN hở sườn * expose the flank *
VNEN hợp thành * to make up, constitute, compose, form *
VNEN hữu tuyến * wired (as opposed to wireless) *
VNEN khui ra * to come out, be exposed *
VNEN kháng thuế * to oppose or resist taxation *
VNEN khí tiết * pride, courage, sense of purpose and uprightness *
VNEN không gây đe dọa nguy hiểm gì * to not pose any danger, threat at all *
VNEN không đối thủ * unrivaled, unopposed, without equal *
VNEN kiêm dụng * with a twofold purpose *
VNEN kiên tâm * (be) firm in one purpose, (remain) steadfast *
VNEN kình * (1) opposed, pitted against
(2) whale
VNEN kình chống * to oppose, opposite *
VNEN kể tội * tell of someone’s mistakes, expose someone’s mistakes *
VNEN kỵ * (1) death anniversary
(2) opposed to, against, abstain from, phobia
(3) jealous
VNEN liên xã * between villages (for administrative purposes) *
VNEN loại hủy * to dispose of *
VNEN lăng nhăng * purposeless, hapless, irresponsible *
VNEN lũa * to decompose; rotten *
VNEN lập ngôn * compose academic works *
VNEN may sẵn * ready made (of clothes, as opposed to tailor made) *
VNEN moi móc * to rummage, forage; expose (someone’s defects), run down *
VNEN mục tiêu * aim, purpose, object, objective, goal, target *
VNEN mục tiêu cao cả * noble goal, purpose, aim *
VNEN mục đích * aim, objective, goal, purpose, target, mark *
VNEN mục đích của chuyến công * the objective, purpose of a trip *
VNEN ngoan cường * with stamina and sense of purpose, dogged *
VNEN ngâm vịnh * compose and recite a poem extempore (under the inspiration or some feeling) *
VNEN ngăn cản * to hinder, oppose, prevent, hamper *
VNEN người phái nam * men (as opposed to women) *
VNEN người phái nữ * women (as opposed to men) *
VNEN ngả vạ * impose a fine *
VNEN ngắt lời * to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short *
VNEN nhưng lại * but (rather, as opposed to something previously said) *
VNEN nhạc sĩ * musician, composer, songwriter *
VNEN nhằm mục đích * to intend, have as a goal or purpose *
VNEN nêu * to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole *
VNEN nêu giả thuyết * to present, propose, put forward a theory *
VNEN nói là * reportedly, supposedly *
VNEN phanh phui * to bare, expose, reveal *
VNEN phơi * (1) to display, explain
(2) to dry (in the sun), expose (to the sun)
VNEN phơi bày * to display, expose *
VNEN phơi nắng * to put out in the sun, expose to the sun *
VNEN phản * (1) wooden bed, camp bed
(2) to turn back, oppose, be contrary
(3) to counter, betray
VNEN phản đối * to oppose, object, protest; opposition *
VNEN phản đối chiến tranh * to oppose a war *
VNEN phản đối chính trị * to oppose a policy *
VNEN phế * to depose, dethrone, abandon *
VNEN phế lập * depose one king and replace him by another *
VNEN phế truất * to depose *
VNEN phế đế * deposed (dethroned) king *
VNEN quần áo may sẵn * ready-made clothes (as opposed to tailor made) *
VNEN rợm * not exposed to the sun, in the shade *
VNEN rữa * to decompose, get rot *
VNEN rữa nát * decomposed and crushed *
VNEN soạn * to arrange, compose, compile; to prepare, get ready *
VNEN sáng tác * to create, be creative, compose; creativity *
VNEN thanh toán * to clean up, close (account), dispose of, liquidate, murder *
VNEN thối rữa * to decompose, become rotten or putrescent *
VNEN tiền kim loại * coins (as opposed to paper money) *
VNEN truất ngôi * to depose, dethrone *
VNEN truất phế * to depose, dethrone, oust *
VNEN trá danh * to pose as, pretend to be *
VNEN trá hiệu * to pose as, pretend to be *
VNEN trái lại * on the other hand, as opposed to, on the contrary *
VNEN trái ngược với * as opposed to, in contrast to *
VNEN trái với * contrary to, on the contrary, as opposed to *
VNEN trình bầy * to expose, present, discuss, express, represent *
VNEN trù liệu * scheme, form projects, plan, prepare, dispose, make ready *
VNEN trần * (1) to be half naked, drawn (sword)
(2) ceiling
(3) dust; world, life
(4) to be old
(5) to display, expose, explain
VNEN trống trải * exposed, spacious desolate, empty *
VNEN trộm nghĩ * to suppose, assume *
VNEN tuồng luông * in the open, unprotected, barefaced, exposed *
VNEN tân học * modern (western) education (as opposed to traditional education) *
VNEN tùy nghi * for whatever purpose *
VNEN tĩnh mạch * vein, vena (as opposed to artery) *
VNEN tỉnh bơ * calm, cool, composed *
VNEN tống khứ * to get rid of, dispose of (somebody or something) *
VNEN ví bằng * if, in case, let us assume, suppose *
VNEN vạch * to expose, uncover, open; to trace, draw; line *
VNEN vạch mặt * to expose, unmask, lay bare, denounce *
VNEN vạch trần * to expose, uncover *
VNEN vạn năng * multipurpose, multipower *
VNEN với cơ năng chính là * whose main purpose, function is *
VNEN với mục đích gì * for what purpose, to what end, for what reason *
VNEN xử lý * to dispose, treat, settle; to charge (with a crime) *
VNEN áp đặt * to impose, force upon *
VNEN đa năng * general purpose *
VNEN điềm đạm * level-headed, composed *
VNEN đánh nhau vì tiền * to fight for money (as opposed to honor, e.g.) *
VNEN đưa ra * to put forward, issue, release, propose, set forth *
VNEN đương * (1) actual, now, current
(2) to face, resist, oppose
VNEN đảng cấp * rank, ranking, stratification (as opposed to equality) *
VNEN đắt chồng * much wooed, much proposed to *
VNEN đặt câu hỏi * to ask, pose a question *
VNEN đề * (1) to write
(2) to propose
(3) to lift
VNEN đề khởi * be first to propose, be first to suggest, be first to put forward *
VNEN đề nghị * to propose, suggest, offer; proposal, suggestion *
VNEN đề ra * to propose, put forward, set forth *
VNEN đề xuất * to propose, put forward (for discussion) *
VNEN đề đạt * propose to higher levels, put forward for consideration to higher *
VNEN địch * (1) to oppose, resist, be a match for; enemy, adversary, foe: (2) reed flute *
VNEN định thần * to compose oneself *
VNEN định tâm * have as one’s purpose, purpose, intend *
VNEN đối diện * to face, oppose, confront; opposite *
VNEN đối dịch * to resist, oppose; to translate *
VNEN đối kháng * to resist, oppose, block *
VNEN đối lại * to oppose *
VNEN đối đầu * to face, oppose, fight, struggle, confront; fight, struggle *
VNEN ồn ào phản đối * to oppose loudly *