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SNOT: peas Food and drink • types of food and drink

OPD : peas Vegetables

VSLW123 nông dân farmer, cultivator, peasant vsl3

like: peas
VNEN bần cố nông * poorest and most wretched peasant *
VNEN bần nông * poor farmer, peasant *
VNEN công nông * workers and peasants *
VNEN cố nông * poor peasant, farm laborer, farmhand, hired man *
VNEN dân quê * peasant, country people *
VNEN dã vị * country dishes, peasant food *
VNEN in hệt * like two peas, cast in the same mould *
VNEN lực điền * hefty peasant *
VNEN nguôi * subside, become appeased, become less sharp (severe), cool down, calm *
VNEN nông hội * peasants’ association *
VNEN nông phu * poor peasant (farmer), farmer cultivator *
VNEN nội dân * peasant *
VNEN trung nông * middle-peasant *
VNEN trấn định * pacify, calm, appease *
VNEN xoa dịu * to appease, mollify, alleviate, calm, relieve, heal *
VNEN xâu chuỗi * to get in touch (with, poor peasants in agrarian reform) *
VNEN xôi vò * glutinous rice cooked with split peas *
VNEN đậu hà lan * green peas, field pea *
VNEN đậu xanh * green peas *