Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: names of parts of the body e.g. Health and body care • parts of the body

2336 A question that has two (2) parts is a two-part question. Một câu hỏi mà có hai phần là câu hỏi hai phần.
2908 This book is divided into three (3) parts. Cuốn sách này được chia làm ba phần.

OPD : Parts of a Telephone The Telephone
OPD : Parts of a sewing Machine Making Clothes
OPD : parts A Factory
OPD : Parts of an Essay English Composition
OPD : Parts of a Tree Trees and Plants
OPD : Parts of a flower Flowers
OPD : Parts of a Fish Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles
OPD : Parts of a Bird Birds, Insects, and Arachnids

VSLW123 áo tứ thân four parts flowing tunic vsl3

VSLS Chuyến tối. Chuyến tối khởi hành lúc 6 giờ, phải không cô? The evening one. The evening one departs at 6:00, right Miss? vsl1

like: parts
VNEN gồm hai thành phần * to have two parts, two elements *
VNEN hai phần * two pieces, two parts *
VNEN linh kiện * components, spare parts *
VNEN ngũ tạng * the five inner parts innards *
VNEN phụ kiện * spare parts *
VNEN phụ tùng * spare parts, accessories *
VNEN trung tu * repair (parts of something) *
VNEN trích đăng * print, publish parts of *
VNEN tạng * constitution, health, viscera, innards, inner parts *