Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: cassette recorder Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: tape recorder Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: video recorder Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: frontier/border Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: to order Food and drink • eating and drinking out
SNOT: out of order Services • telephone

OXF3000: trật tự order
OXF3000N hợp lệ in order to

BNC6000 : order [ Rank: 251 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : order [ Rank: 1255 ] v 👪

OPD : Put the sentences in order. Studying
OPD : order from the menu A Restaurant
OPD : take the order A Restaurant
OPD : orderly Hospital
OPD : order puller A Factory
OPD : short-order cook A Hotel
OPD : camcorder Electronics and Photography

FN: order n Request
FN: order n Sequence
FN: order n Rank
FN: order n Organization
FN: order n Artistic_style
FN: order n Request_entity
FN: order n Law
FN: order n Biological_classification
FN: order n Chaos
FN: order v Request
FN: order v Bail_decision
FN: order v Sentencing
FN: order v Arranging
FN: order v Rite
FN: order v Request_entity

VSLW123 để to, in order to vsl1
VSLW123 kêu/ gọi to call, to order vsl1
VSLW123 hỏng/hư be broken down, be out of order vsl2
VSLW123 trật tự order vsl2
VSLW123 để in order to vsl3
VSLW123 dọn dẹp to clean up, to put things in order vsl3
VSLW 45 giáp to border [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhằm to aim at/ in order to [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trật tự order [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đơn hàng order [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đặt hàng to order, to place an order [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhằm to aim (at), in order to [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xuyên biên giới transboundary, cross-border [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nề nếp following exemplary lifestyle (respect, order and discipline) of one's ancestor [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 rối loạn disorder [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 loạn giấy phép con sublicenses disorder [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 nề nếp rule / order and discipline [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lộn xộn disordered [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Nè Tom, anh kêu món gì nhé! Hey Tom, you order the food please. vsl1
VSLS Anh kêu đi, món gì cũng được. You (to a male) order, whatever dish. vsl1
VSLS Không. Khi nào thiếu, tôi sẽ kêu thêm. No. If it's not enough, I will order some more. vsl1

DUOS Chúng tôi gọi một đĩa cơm. We order a plate of rice. Basics 2
DUOS Tôi mua một tờ báo để đọc. I buy a newspaper in order to read. Conjunctions
DUOS Biên giới dài nhất ở đâu? Where is the longest border? Places
DUOS biên giới border Places
DUOS Có một ngôi làng ở cạnh biên giới. There is a village next to the border. Prepositions 2
DUOS Tôi muốn gọi một ly cà phê nóng. I want to order a cup of hot coffee. Adjectives 2

50L Tôi đã không đặt / gọi món đó. * I didn’t order this. 032
50L Bao giờ chúng ta đến biên giới? * When will we get to the border? 036
50L Tôi đã không gọi món đó. * I didn’t order it. 079
50L Tôi không ăn, bởi vì tôi đã không gọi món đó. * I’m not eating it because I didn’t order it. 079
50L Tôi đã nghĩ rằng, bạn đã muốn đặt một cái bánh pizza. * I thought you wanted to order a pizza. 089

like: order
VNEN Bảo quốc Huân chương * National Order Medal *
VNEN Trung Quốc chung biên cương với 14 quóc gia * China shares a border with 14 countries *
VNEN an biên * to pacify the border *
VNEN an ninh biên giới * border security *
VNEN ban hành sắc luật * to issue a decree, order *
VNEN biên * (1) to write down, make a note (of something)
(2) to weave (basket)
(3) to edit, compile
(4) edge, limit, border
VNEN biên cương * border, frontier, boundary *
VNEN biên cảnh * border region, frontier area *
VNEN biên giới * border, frontier *
VNEN biên phòng * border guard, frontier guard *
VNEN biên thùy * border, frontier *
VNEN biên đình * border, frontier *
VNEN biểu * (1) table, chart, meter, scale, index
(2) to express, manifest, display, show, demonstrate
(3) to say, tell, order
(4) second degree near relatives of different surnames
(5) memorial to the king
VNEN bái mạng * receive an order respectfully *
VNEN * (1) calf, baby cow
(2) to carry with both hands
(3) disorderly
VNEN bê bối * to leave things undone, be disorderly or sloppy *
VNEN bưu phiếu * money order, postal order *
VNEN bản lệnh * orders *
VNEN bản lệnh niêm phong * sealed orders *
VNEN bảo * (1) to say, order, tell (someone to do something)
(2) to insure
(3) to protect, guard
(4) precious, valuable
VNEN bảo an * to maintain law and order, ensure security, keep peace *
VNEN bất hợp lệ * improper, invalid, out of order *
VNEN bắc đẩu bội tinh * order of the legion of honor *
VNEN bề * (1) dimension, side, edge, rim, border
(2) sea, tank
VNEN bị hư * to be out of order *
VNEN bỏ bừa * to leave in disorder, in disarray *
VNEN bộn * disorderly, confused *
VNEN bộn bề * disordered, confused, messy *
VNEN bờ * shore, bank, fence, rim, edge, border, limit, side *
VNEN bờ bến * shore and dock (or port), limit, border, coast *
VNEN bờ cõi * limit, border, boundary, frontier *
VNEN bời * disordered, careless *
VNEN bừa * (1) to plow, harrow; harrow
(2) disorderly, chaotic
VNEN bừa bãi * disorderly, untidy, messy, random, wild *
VNEN bừa phứa * careless, disorderly *
VNEN chiếu dụ * imperial order *
VNEN cho * add, give; to, for; to say, claim; in order to; let, allow, permit *
VNEN cho được * so as to, in order to, at any price, at all *
VNEN chuyển đạt * to transmit, communicate (higher level’s ideas, orders) *
VNEN chưởng bạ * (village) recorder, land registrar *
VNEN chấp hành mệnh lệnh * to carry out orders *
VNEN chấp lễ * keep to the established order, receive presents *
VNEN chấp lệnh * carry out an order, order, see (that) *
VNEN chỉ dụ * royal decrees and ordinances, royal written orders and proclamations *
VNEN công an biên phòng * border guard, police *
VNEN công lệnh * pass, mission order *
VNEN cương giới * border, frontier *
VNEN cải lịnh * to change orders *
VNEN cảnh * (1) to warn
(2) to warn
(3) scenery, scene, view, site, landscape, situation, condition
(4) border, limit
VNEN cảnh giới * to warn, admonish, watch, guard; limit, border, frontier *
VNEN cảnh địa * border, frontier *
VNEN cất dọn * arrange, put in order *
VNEN cấu tứ * put ideas in order, make an outline (for an essay) *
VNEN cỡ * size, stature, caliber; on the order of *
VNEN dàn * to put in an order, deploy, display, arrange *
VNEN dòng * Baptist; course (of a river), stream, current; line, lineage, order *
VNEN dòng tu * religious order *
VNEN dưới quyền * under (somebody’s command, orders, authority) *
VNEN dọc theo biên giới Lào-Việt * along the Lao-Vietnam border *
VNEN dọn * to arrange, put in order, move (change residences), clear, prepare *
VNEN dọn dẹp * to arrange, put in order *
VNEN dọn dẹp nhà cửa * to arrange, put a household into order, clean one’s house *
VNEN giáp * (1) bordering, near, adjacent, close to, before
(2) 1st cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
VNEN giáp giới * share the same border, border *
VNEN giáp ranh * neighboring, bordering *
VNEN giấu quanh * to beat about the bush in order to conceal something *
VNEN giới * (1) (classifier); limit, border
(2) group of people, family, community, group
VNEN giữ trật tự * to maintain order *
VNEN giữa bờ cõi đất nước * within the country’s borders *
VNEN gần biên giới Lào * near the border with Laos *
VNEN gọi * to call, summon, order *
VNEN gọi bia * to order a beer *
VNEN gọi rượu * to order (alcoholic) drinks *
VNEN gọn * to be neat, tidy, orderly, systematic, concise *
VNEN gọn nhẹ * compact, neat, orderly *
VNEN hiệu lệnh * order, command *
VNEN huấn lệnh * instruction, order, directive, direction *
VNEN hòng * in order to; to expect, hope, intend, aim; about, nearly *
VNEN hùng quan * strong border post *
VNEN hạ lịnh * to order, command *
VNEN hầ * in order to, with a view to *
VNEN hầu * (1) almost, nearly, virtually
(2) to wait upon, serve
(3) in order to
(4) monkey
VNEN hỏa bài * emergency pass (used by messengers carrying the king’s urgent orders) *
VNEN hỗn loạn * disorder, confusion *
VNEN hộp đen * black box, flight-recorder *
VNEN im lặng * silent, quiet; Silence! (as an order) *
VNEN khiến * (1) to direct, order, command, bid
(2) to cause
VNEN khu vực biên giới * border region *
VNEN khán hộ * male nurse, hospital orderly *
VNEN khối đại đông á * the New Order for greater East Asia *
VNEN khổ nhục kế * strategy of suffering or humiliation in order to *
VNEN kêu một chai la ve thôi * order just a bottle of beer *
VNEN kẻo mà * in order to avoid doing something *
VNEN kỷ * (1) order, discipline
(2) small table, bench
(3) self
(4) to write, record
(5) cycle, era
(6) 6th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
VNEN loi thoi * disorderly, not correct, not proper (of clothes) *
VNEN loạn * disordered, in disorder *
VNEN loạn xạ * in confusion, in disorder *
VNEN loạn xị * in disorder, disarray *
VNEN lung tung * in disorder, in disarray; disorder, confusion *
VNEN lính biên phòng * (military) border guard *
VNEN lính thú * border guard *
VNEN lôm côm * disorderly, in disorder *
VNEN lĩnh mệnh * receive an order *
VNEN lĩnh ý * fulfill an order, obey somebody’s wish *
VNEN lơ chơ lỏng chỏng * scattered and disorderly *
VNEN lằn ranh * border, dividing line *
VNEN lệnh * law, order, command, decree *
VNEN lệnh chỉ * imperial order *
VNEN lệnh miệng * verbal order, instruction *
VNEN lệnh này từ trên ban xuống * this order came from above *
VNEN lệnh tiễn * urgent order *
VNEN lỉnh kỉnh * disordered, scattered about *
VNEN lịnh * order, command *
VNEN lỏng chỏng * a few and out of order, lying around without any pattern *
VNEN lố nhố * swarm (with), teem (with), great number and in disorder *
VNEN lốc thốc * in disarray, disorder *
VNEN lổng chổng * in confusion, in disorder *
VNEN lộn xộn * to be disorderly, confused *
VNEN lớp lang * in order, orderly, properly *
VNEN ma nhê tô phôn * tape recorder *
VNEN máy ghi âm * tape recorder, audio recorder *
VNEN * (1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side
VNEN mép * edge, border, margin, rim, fringe; labia *
VNEN mật dụ * secret decree, secret order, confidential order *
VNEN mật lệnh * secret order *
VNEN mệnh * lot, fate, fortune; life, existence; order, command *
VNEN mệnh lệnh * order, command, dictate, instructions *
VNEN một dạo nghị định * an order, decree *
VNEN mở mang bờ cõi * to expand one’s borders *
VNEN nghiêm lệnh * strict order *
VNEN nghị định * regulation, law, order, decree *
VNEN ngân phiếu * check, money order *
VNEN ngôi thứ * order of precedence, rank *
VNEN ngõ hầu * in order to *
VNEN ngăn nắp * orderly, well-kept, well-ordered *
VNEN người trọ * lodger, border *
VNEN ngược chiều * in the opposite direction, in reverse order, contrariwise *
VNEN ngả ngốn * pell-mell, in great disorder *
VNEN ngổn ngang * in disorder; confusion, disorder, disarray *
VNEN nhà cửa ngăn nắp * well-ordered house *
VNEN nhà dòng * religious order *
VNEN nhập cảnh * to enter a country, cross the border of a country; entry, entrance, immigration *
VNEN nhật lệnh * order of the day *
VNEN nhằm * (1) in order to; mistakenly, incorrectly; on (a date)
(2) to fall
VNEN nhằm nỗ lực * in order to try to *
VNEN nhốn nháo * disorderly *
VNEN nhờ ông kêu * please order *
VNEN nếp nhà * house, building; family’s ways, family customs and practices, family habit, family order *
VNEN nền nếp * groove, orderly routine *
VNEN phiên trấn * border territory *
VNEN phong cương * border, frontier *
VNEN phá rối trật tự * to disturb order *
VNEN phán * (1) to order, judge
(2) government clerk
(3) to judge, decide
VNEN phán bảo * command, order *
VNEN phán truyền * order (said of a superior authority) *
VNEN pháp * (1) law, rule, order
(2) France, French
VNEN pháp lệnh * law, rule, order *
VNEN phân bộ * sub-order *
VNEN phản lệnh * counter-order *
VNEN phục mệnh * to obey orders and report back *
VNEN phụng mệnh * to comply with orders from above *
VNEN quan phán * official order, proclamation *
VNEN quân lệnh * military orders *
VNEN ra lệnh * to order, command *
VNEN ra lệnh thu hồi * to order a recall *
VNEN ra lệnh điều tra * to order an investigation *
VNEN ra lịnh * to order, command, dictate *
VNEN ra sắc lệnh * to issue an order, decree *
VNEN ranh giới * frontier, border, limit *
VNEN ria * (1) edge, border, rim
(2) mustache
VNEN rìa * fringe, edge, border *
VNEN rối bét * very disorderly, at sixes and sevens *
VNEN rối bời * tangled, disordered *
VNEN rối loạn * confused, troubled, disordered; disturbance, disorder; abnormal *
VNEN rối loạn chu kỳ kinh nguyệt * menstrual disorder *
VNEN rối ren * chaos, disorder, confusion *
VNEN sai * (1) to order, command
(2) wrong, incorrect, off by
VNEN sai bảo * to order, command *
VNEN sai khiến * command, order *
VNEN sung quân * be exiled and made a border guard *
VNEN suất lĩnh * conduct, lead, guide, command, direct, order *
VNEN sắc luật * decree, order *
VNEN sắc lệnh * decree, order *
VNEN sắp * (1) to be about to, going to
(2) to arrange, put in order, set
(3) group, band
VNEN sắp đặt * to arrange, put in order, organize *
VNEN tam toạng * in disorder, giddy, thought-less, heedless *
VNEN tao * (1) I (arrogant or familiar)
(2) trouble, disorder, (3) elegant
(4) time, round
(5) to chance to meet
(6) dregs in wine vat
VNEN tay săn ảnh * paparazzi, person chasing celebrities in order to take pictures *
VNEN theo lệnh * to follow, obey an order *
VNEN thi hành * to carry out (order, mission), execute; execution, carrying out *
VNEN thi hành mệnh lệnh * to carry out, execute an order, command *
VNEN thiên thư * the book (orders) of heaven) *
VNEN thu gọn * to abridge, digest, compress, put in order *
VNEN thu xếp * to arrange, put in order, resolve, settle *
VNEN thông tư * directive, order *
VNEN thư chuyển tiền * money order, postal order *
VNEN thứ * (1) (ordinalizer); order, type, suit, kind
(2) thing, item
VNEN thứ bậc * rank, order *
VNEN thứ tự * order, position *
VNEN thừa hành lệnh * to carry out orders, commands *
VNEN thừa ủy nhiệm * by order of *
VNEN tiếp giáp * to adjoin, be next to, border on, be contiguous *
VNEN tiếp giáp Thái Lan * to border on Thailand *
VNEN truyền bảo * to give orders, warn, admonish *
VNEN truyền lệnh * to convey an order *
VNEN tràn qua biên giới Trung Quốc * to spread across the Chinese border *
VNEN trái lệnh * to break a law, disobey an order *
VNEN trát * (1) warrant, order, summons
(2) to coat, smear
VNEN trình tự * sequence, order, process *
VNEN trật tự * order *
VNEN trật tự an ninh * law and order *
VNEN trị an * to keep law and order, maintain law and order *
VNEN trực tiếp ra lệnh * direct order *
VNEN tuan lệnh * to obey, follow an order *
VNEN tuân hành lệnh * to carry out an order *
VNEN tuần tự * order; in order, orderly, step by step, in step, one after another, in succession *
VNEN tác loạn * to cause disturbances, cause disorder *
VNEN tùm lum * disorder, disarray; everywhere, every which way *
VNEN tớn tác * in disorder *
VNEN ven * edge, fringe, border, shore, bank, strand *
VNEN vi lệnh * refuse to obey an order *
VNEN vun vén * to put in order *
VNEN vào hạng thứ * in ~ place (in a competition, ordering) *
VNEN vào hạng thứ mấy * in what place (in a competition, ordering) *
VNEN vâng dạ * obey the order *
VNEN vâng lệnh * to obey a law, decree, order *
VNEN vô bờ bến * borderless, boundless, limitless *
VNEN vô hạn * limitless, borderless *
VNEN vùng biên giới * border area, border region *
VNEN vượt biên * to cross the limit; border, overseas *
VNEN vỉa * border, side, edge, rim, seam *
VNEN vụ lộn xộn * confusion, disorder, chaos *
VNEN xáo trộn * to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder *
VNEN xếp * (1) to order, arrange, put in order, pile, fold
(2) master, boss
VNEN xếp dọn * to arrange, put in order *
VNEN xếp thứ tự * to put in order *
VNEN xờ xạc * fatigued, jaded, tired, run down, disordered, ruffled, in *
VNEN ám lệnh * secret order *
VNEN án lệnh * court order *
VNEN án lịnh * order *
VNEN ôn cố tri tân * to revise the old in order to know the new *
VNEN đơn hàng * order form *
VNEN đường viền * border, selvedge, hem, fringe, flounce *
VNEN đất phiên ly * to be outlying, bordering *
VNEN đầu từ * magnetic head (of a tape recorder) *
VNEN đặt * order; to set up, establish, coin (a new word, name); to place, put *
VNEN đặt hàng * place an order-make (pay, leave) a deposit *
VNEN đặt mua * to place an order (to buy something) *
VNEN để * (1) in order to, so, so that; to allow, permit; to put, place, let (someone do something) *
VNEN để cho * in order that, in order to, so that, so as to *
VNEN để có * in order to have *
VNEN để mà * in order to *
VNEN để tri ân * (in order to) show one’s thanks *
VNEN để tránh * (in order) to avoid *
VNEN để tránh tình trạng này * (in order) to avoid this situation *
VNEN đễ làm gì * to do what, in order to do what *
VNEN đệ * (1) order, rank, n-th (ordinalizer)
(2) to submit
VNEN địa đầu * border area (of two localities) *
VNEN đồn biên giới * border post *
VNEN đồn thú * be border guard *
VNEN đồn ải * border post *
VNEN đục * (1) disorderly, turbid
(2) to chisel, carve
VNEN ở biên giới * on the border *
VNEN ký lệnh * to sign an order *