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Specific Notions

SNOT: to mix Food and drink • types of food and drink

OXF3000: pha mix
2979 The two (2) brothers are identical twins, so everybody gets them mixed up. Hai anh em là cặp sinh đôi cùng trứng. Vậy nên mọi người thường lẫn lộn họ với nhau.

BNC6000 : mix [ Rank: 4189 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : mix [ Rank: 2136 ] v 👪

OPD : electric mixer A Kitchen
OPD : mixing bowl A Kitchen
OPD : Mix the ingredients. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : Beat the mixture. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : mixing bowl Kitchen Utensils
OPD : mixed berries A Coffee Shop Menu

FN: mix v Cause_to_amalgamate
FN: mix v Amalgamation

VSLW123 pha mix (liquid form) vsl3

DUOS Bạn không thể trộn nước và dầu ăn. You cannot mix water and cooking oil. Verbs 3
DUOS Tôi trộn ba quả trứng với bột này. I mix three eggs with this powder. Verbs 3
DUOS trộn mix Verbs 3

50L Tôi muốn một đĩa rau. * I’d like some mixed vegetables. 032

like: mix
VNEN ba rọi * mixed up, messed up *
VNEN bác tạp * miscellaneous, mixed up *
VNEN bánh khoai * cake made of sweet potato meal (mixed with rice flour) *
VNEN bánh phồng tôm * glutinous rice chupatty mixed with powdered shrimp *
VNEN bòng bong * something mixed up *
VNEN cơm cháo nháo nhào * rice and gruel mixed up together *
VNEN cơm độn * rice mixed with various cereals *
VNEN giống pha tạp * to be mixed breed *
VNEN hòa * (1) to mix, blend
(2) to draw, tie, be even (not indebted)
(3) peace, harmony, accord; peaceful, harmonious
(4) Japan, Japanese
(5) cereal
VNEN hòa hỗn * to mix *
VNEN hòa khí * concord, agreement, harmony, mixture *
VNEN hòa khí nổ * explosive mixture *
VNEN hòa khí ít xăng * lean fuel mixture *
VNEN hòa lẫn * to mix *
VNEN hòa mình * to blend (into), mix (with) *
VNEN hòa sắc * to mix colors *
VNEN hỗ * (1) reciprocal, mutual
(2) to mix
VNEN hỗn hợp * joint, hybrid, mix *
VNEN hỗn nhập * mix, blend *
VNEN lai máu * mixed blood *
VNEN lom lem * confused, mixed, chaotic, jumbled *
VNEN láo nháo * badly mixed *
VNEN lẫn lộn * confused, mixed (up) *
VNEN lộn * to confuse, mix up; wrong *
VNEN minh hương * person of mixed Chinese and Vietnamese blood *
VNEN máy trộn bê tông * concrete mixer *
VNEN máy đánh trứng * beater, mixer *
VNEN ngào * to mix *
VNEN nháo nhào * mix up *
VNEN pha lẫn * to mix, mingle *
VNEN pha lẫn cáu kỉnh * mixed with anger *
VNEN pha rượu * to tend bar, mix drinks *
VNEN pha trộn * to blend, mix, mixture *
VNEN pha tạp * mixed, mingled *
VNEN rau ghém * salad, mixed (raw) vegetable crops *
VNEN rượu thuốc * medicinal wine, mixture (a kind of liquor) *
VNEN rối * tangled, entangled, mixed up *
VNEN rối bòng bong * entangled, interlaced, mixed up *
VNEN thuần túy * pure, absolute, unmixed *
VNEN thuốc nước * syrup, mixture *
VNEN thày lay * (dialect) get mixed up in other people’s business *
VNEN thấu * (1) to pass, penetrate, get through, understand
(2) to mix; to collect, gather
VNEN thịt ba chỉ * lean and fat meat mixed *
VNEN trà trộn * to mix, mingle *
VNEN trộn * to merge, mix, blend, turn upside down *
VNEN trộn lẫn * to mingle, mix (up), blend, knead *
VNEN trộn lẫn với * mixed together with *
VNEN trộn trạo * to mingle, mix *
VNEN táp nham * mixed, intermingled, unlike, ill-matched *
VNEN tùng đảng * to mix (with) *
VNEN tạp chủng * hybrid, mixed breed, cross breed, multiracial *
VNEN tạp loạn * mixed, miscellaneous, confused, muddled *
VNEN tạp trở * miscellany, various, mixture *
VNEN xen lẫn * to intermingle, intermix; mixed, intermingled *
VNEN xáo trộn * to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder *
VNEN xôi hoa cau * steamed glutinous rice mixed with French beans *
VNEN ăn độn * to eat rice mixed with other cereals *
VNEN đôi nam nữ * mixed doubles *
VNEN ương ương dở dở * mixed up, crazy *