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SNOT: mistake Language • ability, understanding, expression

OXF3000: sai lầm mistake
917 I made a mistake. > I've made a mistake. Tôi đã phạm sai lầm. Tôi đã phạm sai lầm.
2822 The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes. Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ.

BNC6000 : mistake [ Rank: 1846 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : mistake [ Rank: 4475 ] v 👪

OPD : Erase the mistake. Succeeding in School
OPD : Correct the mistake. Succeeding in School

VSLW123 lỗi lầm mistake, error vsl2

50L Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. * I still make many mistakes. 025

like: mistake
VNEN biết lỗi * to know one’s mistakes, know what one did wrong *
VNEN bé cái nhầm * make a mistake *
VNEN bắt lầm * to mistakenly arrest, false arrest *
VNEN bị ngộ nhận * to be mistaken *
VNEN có lỗi * to be in error, be wrong, be mistaken *
VNEN cầm nhầm * to take by mistake *
VNEN dễ bị trục trặc * to be easily mistaken *
VNEN dễ nhầm * easy to mistake, error-prone *
VNEN gây ngộ nhận * to cause a mistake *
VNEN hiểu nhầm ý ai * to mistake someone’s meaning *
VNEN hồi tâm * realize one’s mistake after second thought *
VNEN hớ * (1) to be overcharged, pay too much
(2) to blunder, make a mistake
VNEN kể tội * tell of someone’s mistakes, expose someone’s mistakes *
VNEN lầm * wrong, mistaken *
VNEN lầm lẫn * to make a mistake, be mistaken, misjudge *
VNEN lầm lỗi * be at fault, make a mistake *
VNEN lầm lỡ * misguided, mistaken *
VNEN lầm lủi * mistaken, wrong, guilty *
VNEN lầm to * to be very wrong, be very mistaken *
VNEN lầm tưởng * to believe mistakenly *
VNEN lỗi * error, fault, mistake *
VNEN lỗi lầm * mistake, error, fault *
VNEN lỡ lầm * make a mistake, make a false step *
VNEN lỡ tay * unintentionally, inadvertently, accidentally, by mistake *
VNEN nghĩ lầm * to think incorrectly, be mistaken *
VNEN ngơ những khuyết điểm nhẹ cho ai * to ignore someone’s minor mistakes *
VNEN ngộ nhận * to mistake, make a mistake *
VNEN nhầm * to make a mistake; wrong *
VNEN nhận lỗi * to admit one’s mistake or one’s fault *
VNEN nhằm * (1) in order to; mistakenly, incorrectly; on (a date)
(2) to fall
VNEN nói lầm * to speak by mistake *
VNEN phạm lỗi * to make or commit an error, make a mistake, go wrong *
VNEN sai lầm * to make a mistake, be mistaken; mistaken, incorrect, wrong; mistake *
VNEN sai lầm lớn * a big mistake, a serious mistake *
VNEN sai lầm nghiêm * to make a serious mistake, commit a grave error *
VNEN sai lầm nghiêm trọng * a serious mistake *
VNEN sai phạm * derogation-mistake, fault *
VNEN sai sót * error, mistake, shortcoming *
VNEN sơ sẩy * make a mistake *
VNEN sọ * (1) skull, brain, cranium
(2) to take or mistake one thing for another
VNEN tri quá * recognize one’s mistake *
VNEN tránh (gây) ngộ nhận * to avoid mistakes, errors *
VNEN tránh ngộ nhận * to avoid mistakes *
VNEN trót * entire, whole; (to do something) by mistake, accidentally *
VNEN trót dại * to make a mistake in doing something *
VNEN vấp * to trip, stumble to flounder, make (mistakes) *
VNEN vấp váp * to make mistakes, flounder, blunder *
VNEN đi theo vết xe đổ * to make mistakes, follow the wrong path *