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Specific Notions

OXF3000: làm tan melt

BNC6000 : melt [ Rank: 4767 ] v 👪

FN: melt v Cause_change_of_phase
FN: melt v Change_of_phase
FN: melt v Apply_heat

VSLW 45 tan chảy to melt [ Basic Reading ]

like: melt
VNEN bấy bá * meltingly soft *
VNEN nung cho nóng chảy ra * to heat (something) to the melting-point *
VNEN nóng chảy * melt *
VNEN nấu chảy * melt *
VNEN tan * to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to *
VNEN tan chảy * to melt *
VNEN tan mất * to melt away *
VNEN tan thành * to dissolve, melt, turn into *