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OXF3000: leaf

BNC6000 : leaf [ Rank: 1852 ] n 👪

OPD : leaf blower Landscape and Gardening
OPD : leaf Trees and Plants

DUOS leaf Nature

like: leaf
VNEN ba gạc * three-leaf clover *
VNEN bom truyền đơn * leaflet bomb *
VNEN bẹ * ocrea-maize, Indian corn; spathe (of areca palm leaf) *
VNEN bứt là * to pick a leaf *
VNEN cầm cập * to shake, tremble like a leaf *
VNEN cằm cặp * tremble like a leaf, clatter *
VNEN hoàn lương * turn over a new leaf, reform *
VNEN hoán cải * turn over a new leaf, reform, give up one’s bad ways for a good life *
VNEN hồng diệp * red leaf *
VNEN * leaf *
VNEN lá bánh * cake wrapping leaf *
VNEN lá chét * leaflet, foliole *
VNEN lá cây * leaf (of a plant) *
VNEN lá kép * compound leaf *
VNEN lá lớn * broadleaf *
VNEN lò xo nhíp * half-elliptic spring, leaf spring, plate spring *
VNEN mũ lá * straw hat, palm leaf hat *
VNEN nem * pork hash wrapped in banana leaf *
VNEN nón dứa * pineapple leaf hat *
VNEN nón lá * palm-leaf conical hat *
VNEN phải đúa * have taken a leaf from the book of, walk in the shoes of *
VNEN quạt vả * leaf shaped fan *
VNEN rau * (leafy) vegetable *
VNEN run như cầy sấy * to tremble like a leaf *
VNEN truyền đơn * pamphlet, leaflet, tract *
VNEN tu chí * (morally) reform, turn over a new leaf *
VNEN tàu lá * big leaf, large leaf *
VNEN tùm hum * thick, dense, branchy, leafy *
VNEN tờ gác * flyleaf *
VNEN vàng quỳ * thin goldleaf *
VNEN áo lá * (1) palm leaf raincoat
(2) undervest
VNEN áo tơi * poncho, palm-leaf raincoat *