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OXF3000: cảnh quan landscape

BNC6000 : landscape [ Rank: 2368 ] n 👪

OPD : landscape designer Landscape and Gardening

VSLW123 cảnh (phong - / thắng) view, landscape vsl2
VSLW 45 cảnh quan landscape [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Các kiến trúc sư đang thiết kế cảnh quan của thị trấn này. The architects are designing the landscape of this town. Nature
DUOS cảnh quan landscape Nature

like: landscape
VNEN bia phong cảnh * landscape target *
VNEN cành * (1) branch, limb (of a tree)
(2) landscape, view, scenery, scene
VNEN cảnh * (1) to warn
(2) to warn
(3) scenery, scene, view, site, landscape, situation, condition
(4) border, limit
VNEN cảnh quan * landscape *
VNEN cảnh sắc * scenery, view, landscape *
VNEN cảnh trí * landscape, sight, view, scenery, scene, spectacle *
VNEN cẩm tú * embroidered brocade, very beautiful landscape, very beautiful *
VNEN giai cảnh * lovely view or landscape *
VNEN phong cảnh * landscape, scenery, sight *
VNEN phong quang * beautiful-looking, endowed with beautiful landscapes *
VNEN sơn thủy * natural scenery, landscape *
VNEN tả cảnh * to describe; description (landscape or scene) *