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Specific Notions

He's in jail.'> 2272 He's in jail.'> Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. > He's in jail. He's in jail.'> ☊ Em trai Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù.
2730 Have you ever been in prison? > Have you ever been in jail? Cậu đã bao giờ ngồi tù chưa?

BNC6000 : jail [ Rank: 5028 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : jail [ Rank: 5712 ] v 👪

OPD : go to jail / go to prison The Legal System

FN: jail n Prison
FN: jail n Being_incarcerated
FN: jail v Imprisonment

VSLW 45 nhà tù, nhà giam jail, prison [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bỏ tù to imprison, to jail [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Họ phải bóc lịch vì công ty của họ trốn thuế. They have to go to jail, because their comany evades tax. Informal Expressions
DUOS Bạn có muốn bóc lịch không? Do you want to go to jail? Informal Expressions
DUOS bóc lịch go to jail Informal Expressions

like: jail
VNEN bị cầm tù * to be imprisoned, thrown in jail *
VNEN bị tù * to be in jail *
VNEN bị xử án tù * to be sentenced to jail *
VNEN bị ở tù * to be in jail *
VNEN bỏ tù * to jail, imprison *
VNEN chúa ngục * jailer, warden, warder *
VNEN cá chậu chim lồng * to be in captivity or jail or prison *
VNEN cầm tù * to keep in prison, imprison, jail *
VNEN giam cầm * to detain, imprison, jail *
VNEN giam ngục * to jail, imprison *
VNEN giám ngục * jailer, warder *
VNEN hạ ngục * throw in jail *
VNEN khám đường * prison, jail *
VNEN lao * (1) to throw, plunge, slam; dart, javelin
(2) tuberculosis
(3) jail, prison
VNEN lao lý * prison, jail *
VNEN lao tù * prison, jail *
VNEN * (1) furnace, kiln, oven, reactor; prison, jail
(2) to stick out
VNEN ngúc * prison, jail *
VNEN ngục * prison, jail *
VNEN ngục lại * jailer *
VNEN ngục thất * prison, jailer, jailor *
VNEN ngục tối * dark jail *
VNEN nhà giam * prison, jail *
VNEN nhà tù * jail, prison *
VNEN nhà đá * prison, jail *
VNEN ra khỏi tù * to get out of jail *
VNEN ra tù * to release from jail *
VNEN rũ tù * rot in jail, stay long in jail *
VNEN rục xương * rot in jail *
VNEN * jail, prison; stagnant, obtuse *
VNEN tù ngục * prison, jail *
VNEN tống giam * to detain, imprison, put into prison or jail *
VNEN tống ngục * to jail *
VNEN u thành * prison, tomb, jail *
VNEN vào tù * to go to jail *
VNEN vượt ngục * to escape from prison or jail, break out of prison or jail *
VNEN xộ khám * to be in jail (slang) *
VNEN đầu gấu * rascals, jailbirds, press-gang *
VNEN ở trong tù * in jail *
VNEN ở tù * in prison, in jail *
VNEN ở tù mọt gông * to be in jail for a long time, forever *
VNEN ở tù mục xương * to rot in jail *