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FN: inferior a Desirability

VSLW 45 thua kém inferior, less [ Basic Reading ]

like: inferior
VNEN bên dưới * below, under, inferior; the lower part *
VNEN bề dưới * inferior people (in rank and status), lower status, subordinate, younger people *
VNEN cơm hẩm * inferior quality rice *
VNEN cấp dưới * inferior, subordinate, junior, low(er)-level *
VNEN giấy moi * inferior tissue paper *
VNEN hạ đẳng * lower rank, inferior rank *
VNEN không thua gì * no less than, not inferior to, not lacking *
VNEN kém * to be less than, inferior, poor, lack, be missing, be short of, weak, not very *
VNEN kém hèn * inferior, lower (in position, talent) *
VNEN kém phẩm chất * of poor, inferior quality *
VNEN lép vế * inferior *
VNEN mày * you (used by a superior to an inferior) *
VNEN mầy * you (used with an inferior) *
VNEN quân sư quạt mo * inferior strategist *
VNEN thua kém * inferior *
VNEN thua sút * inferior *
VNEN thuộc hạ * underling, inferior, subaltern, subordinate *
VNEN thấp kém * to be low, inferior *
VNEN thằng * (classifier for young male inferiors) *
VNEN tự ti * inferiority complex; to feel inferior *
VNEN á * (1) (interjection expressing pain or surprise)
(2) Asia, Asian, Asiatic
(3) Ethiopia
(4) dumb, unable to speak
(5) inferior, second(ary), second-level, sub-