Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: illness Health and body care • ailments– accidents

OXF3000: bệnh illness
2604 Her illness was far more serious than we thought at rst. Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu.

BNC6000 : illness [ Rank: 2298 ] n 👪

OPD : Common illnesses and Childhood Diseases Illnesses and Medical Conditions

FN: illness n Medical_conditions

VSLW123 cảm cold, illness vsl2
VSLW123 bệnh nặng serious illness vsl3
VSLW123 bệnh nặng serious illness vsl3
VSLW 45 điều trị treatment/ to treat an illness [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bệnh thần kinh mental illness [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Bác sĩ thông báo với bố mẹ về bệnh của tôi. The doctor notifies my parents about my illness. Medical

like: illness
VNEN an hảo * peace, calm, stillness, peaceful life; tranquil, peaceful *
VNEN bình phục * to recover (from an illness), get well *
VNEN bạo bệnh * fatal illness, sudden grave illness *
VNEN bệnh căn * cause of illness *
VNEN bệnh giả * to fake illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN bệnh hoạn * disease, sickness, illness *
VNEN bệnh mèo cào * cat scratch illness *
VNEN bệnh nghiện * addiction (as a disease, illness) *
VNEN bệnh nguyên * cause of illness *
VNEN bệnh nhẹ * minor, mild illness *
VNEN bệnh trầm kha * chronic disease, illness *
VNEN bệnh tình * venereal disease, STD; progress of an illness *
VNEN bệnh tật * ailment, illness, sickness, disease *
VNEN bệnh tật nhiệt đới * tropical disease, illness *
VNEN bị hình thức bệnh * to suffer from a symptom (of an illness) *
VNEN bịnh tâm lý * psychological, mental illness *
VNEN chuyển bệnh * recede (of illness) *
VNEN chứng * disease, ailment, symptom, sickness, illness; proof, evidence *
VNEN chứng bệnh mãn tính * chronic illness *
VNEN chứng bịnh * disease, illness, sickness *
VNEN các bịnh gây ra bởi nước độc * illnesses caused by unsanitary conditions *
VNEN cáo bệnh * to play sick, fake illness *
VNEN cáo bịnh * to feign illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN cáo ốm * to feign illness, pretend to be sick *
VNEN căn bệnh * cause of an illness *
VNEN hình thức bệnh * symptom (of an illness, disease) *
VNEN khỏi * (1) to avoid, escape from, not help but (do sth)
(2) to recover (from illness)
VNEN khỏi bệnh * to recover from an illness *
VNEN khỏi ốm * to recovery (from an illness) *
VNEN kiếu bệnh * decline on pretext of illness *
VNEN lại bữa * to recover one’s appetite (after an illness) *
VNEN lại người * recuperate (after a long illness) *
VNEN ma gà * chicken demons (who cause illness) *
VNEN mắc bệnh tâm thần * mentally ill; mental illness *
VNEN mới ốm dậy nước da nhợt nhạt * to look pale, recovering from and illness *
VNEN ngặt nghèo * hard, difficult, serious (illness) *
VNEN nhiễm * to be infected, catch, contract (an illness) *
VNEN thuyên giảm * (of illness) to subside, fall, recede, go down, ease up, diminish, lessen, reduce *
VNEN thường bệnh * common illness, common ailment *
VNEN trá bệnh * sham illness *
VNEN trái chứng * have a strange illness *
VNEN trả bữa * to regain appetite (after an illness) *
VNEN trọng bệnh * serious illness *
VNEN tật * infirmity, disease, illness, (bad) habit, vice *
VNEN tật bệnh * disease, illness *
VNEN tịch diệt * (Buddhism) die away in stillness *
VNEN ác tật * dangerous illness, fatal illness, incurable disease *
VNEN ăn giả bữa * to eat (a lot) after recovering from illness *
VNEN điều trị bịnh * to treat a disease, illness *
VNEN đồng bệnh * have the same illness, be in the same case *
VNEN đớ lưỡi * lose the power of speech from serious illness *