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Specific Notions

1701 There's already bethree (3) hurricanes this summer. Đã có ba cơn bão trong mùa hè này.

OPD : hurricane Emergencies and Natural Disasters

like: hurricane
VNEN bão * (1) hurricane, storm, typhoon
(2) to be full after eating
VNEN bão rớt * tail of a hurricane, tail of a storm *
VNEN bão táp * typhoon, hurricane, violent storm, great upheaval, severe ordeal *
VNEN bạo phong * hurricane, tornado, violent wind *
VNEN cuồng phong * hurricane, tornado, storm, tempest *
VNEN gió bão * windstorm, hurricane, cyclone *
VNEN giông tố * hurricane storm, tempest, rainstorm, thunderstorm *
VNEN mùa bão * hurricane season *
VNEN mắt bão * the eye of a hurricane *
VNEN đèn bão * hurricane-lamp *