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OXF3000: giữ hold
2760 easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone. Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động.

BNC6000 : hold [ Rank: 2555 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : hold [ Rank: 197 ] v 👪

OPD : hold Childcare and Parenting
OPD : candle holder A Living Room
OPD : magazine holder A Living Room
OPD : toothbrush holder A Bathroom
OPD : pot holders Kitchen Utensils
OPD : cell phone holder Shoes and Accessories
OPD : put the caller on hold Office Skills

FN: hold one's tongue
FN: hold v Detaining
FN: hold v Containing
FN: hold v Inhibit_movement
FN: hold v Defending
FN: hold v Manipulation
FN: hold v Opinion
FN: hold v Reserving

VSLW123 cử nhân Bachelor (holder of degree) vsl2
VSLW123 ôm to hold in arm, to hug vsl2
VSLW 45 giữ to hold [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ gia đình household [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ khẩu household register [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 điểm tựa upholder, support [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hộ dân household [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngưỡng threshold [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nữ công gia chánh household arts, domestic science [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bám lấy cái ghế to hold on to the position [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. The children want to uphold their tradition. Verbs 5
DUOS phát huy uphold Verbs 5

like: hold
VNEN Khoan đã! * Hold on (a second)! *
VNEN buột tay * slip, loose hold *
VNEN bàn mảnh * to hold private discussions *
VNEN bám trụ * hold on to (a military position) *
VNEN bén gót * to hold a candle to; to reach, catch up *
VNEN bíu * to cling to, hold to *
VNEN bóp thuốc lá * cigarette holder *
VNEN bút đàm * to hold a written conversation (using Chinese characters) *
VNEN bấm bụng * to hold back laughter *
VNEN bấu * to hold fast to with one’s fingers, pinch, scratch, claw *
VNEN bấu víu * to hold fast, grip, grasp, cling *
VNEN bậc cửa * doorstep, threshold (of a door) *
VNEN bậu * (1) threshold
(2) you
VNEN bậu cửa * threshold *
VNEN bặt * completely silent, giving no sign of life; to hold one’s breath, stop crying *
VNEN bệ cửa * threshold *
VNEN bỉnh * to hold *
VNEN bỉnh quyền * to hold power *
VNEN bịt mũi * to hold one’s nose *
VNEN bỏ phiếu bầu cử * to vote, hold an election *
VNEN bụm * to hold *
VNEN cao đàm * talk profusely (about), hold forth (on) *
VNEN chiếm giữ * to appropriate, withhold *
VNEN chiếm hữu * to hold, own, possess *
VNEN chìa tay ra * to extend one’s hand, hold out one’s hand *
VNEN chưởng * to hold, manage *
VNEN chấp * (1) to reproach, bear a grudge
(2) to give (an advantage)
(3) to hold, approve, manage, execute
(4) juice
VNEN chủ hộ * head of a household *
VNEN chủ tài khoản * account holder *
VNEN chứa * to contain, hold, store, keep, lodge (persons) *
VNEN chứa đựng * to contain, hold *
VNEN cán viết * penholder *
VNEN câm * mute, unable to speak; to be quiet, shut up, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN câm mồm * to keep quiet, keep one’s mouth shut, shut up, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN câu thúc * to detain, hold *
VNEN có chứa * to have, contain, hold *
VNEN căm * (1) to bear, hold a grudge
(2) spoke (of a wheel)
VNEN cấm cố * to detail, hold *
VNEN cầm * (1) to hold, take hold of, arrest, capture
(2) to pawn
(3) guitar, lute, musical instrument
(4) bird
VNEN cầm chắc * to be very sure, absolutely positive; to hold tight, hold fast *
VNEN cầm cân nẩy mực * to hold the balance *
VNEN cầm cây súng * to hold a gun *
VNEN cầm cả hai tay * to hold with both hands *
VNEN cầm lấy * to (hold and) take *
VNEN cầm quyền * to hold power, be in power *
VNEN cầm súng * to hold a weapon *
VNEN cầm sẵn * to hold ready *
VNEN cầm tay * mobile, portable, handheld; to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm trong tay * to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm trên tay * to hold in one’s hand *
VNEN cầm đũa * to hold chopsticks *
VNEN cầm được * to hold back *
VNEN cầm được nước mắt * to hold back tears *
VNEN cầm đằng chuôi * have a hold over someone, play safe *
VNEN cố thủ * to stand one’s ground, hold one’s ground, stand firm *
VNEN cổ đông * shareholder *
VNEN cửa nhà * house, household *
VNEN dang hai tay ra * to hold out both hands *
VNEN dung * to tolerate, bear, hold *
VNEN dung lượng * capacity, volume, content; to have a capacity of, hold *
VNEN dọn dẹp nhà cửa * to arrange, put a household into order, clean one’s house *
VNEN dừng * to stop, hold, halt *
VNEN dự thẩm * hold an inquiry into (a legal case); inquirer *
VNEN ghì * to tighten, hold tight *
VNEN ghì chặt * to hold tight *
VNEN ghìm * to pull (up, back), restrain, reign in, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương * to reign in, restrain, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương lạm phát * to hold back inflation, keep inflation down *
VNEN gia chánh * domestic science (housework, cooking, needlework); head of a household, family *
VNEN gia chính * household affairs, household chores *
VNEN gia cụ * household equipment *
VNEN gia thuộc * relatives, people in the family, household staff *
VNEN gia thần * mandarin’s household butler (manager) *
VNEN gia tộc * family, household *
VNEN gia đình * family, household *
VNEN giũ * (1) to keep, guard, hold, protect
(2) to shake
VNEN giương cao * to hold aloft, raise high (up) *
VNEN giữ * to keep, hold, stay, guard, maintain, protect, reserve *
VNEN giữ bí mật * to hold, keep a secret *
VNEN giữ chặt * to hold tightly *
VNEN giữ chức vụ * to hold an office *
VNEN giữ im lặng * to keep quiet, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN giữ miệng * be cautious in one’s words, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN giữ một vai trò trọng yếu * to hold an important, vital role *
VNEN giữ quyền hành * to hold, keep, stay in power *
VNEN giữ rịt * hold fast, keep something selfishly for oneself *
VNEN giữ tầm * to hold *
VNEN giữ vai trò * to have, hold a role *
VNEN giữ vị trí * to maintain, hold a position *
VNEN giữ vững * hold fast *
VNEN hiệp nghị * agreement; to meet and discuss, hold discussions, have talks *
VNEN hàm súc * to contain, hold *
VNEN hầm tàu * hold *
VNEN họp chợ * hold a market, open up a market *
VNEN hội chẩn * to hold a consultation *
VNEN khoan * (1) to drill, bore, auger, splice
(2) wide, broad, generous
(3) relaxed, slow, adagio
(4) wait, hold on
VNEN khoang * hold (of a ship, airplane, boat) *
VNEN khoang hành lý * luggage hold *
VNEN khánh hạ * hold great rejoicings *
VNEN khạp nước * jug holding water *
VNEN kiêm * as well as, hold more than one position at a time; earn *
VNEN kiên trì * keep firmly (to), hold (stand, keep) one’s ground, stick to *
VNEN kiềm * (1) to hold back, restrain
(2) basic, alkali
VNEN kìm giữ * to hold (retain, restrain) one’s anger *
VNEN kìm hãm * to hold back, inhibit, check, limit, restrict *
VNEN làm lễ * to hold a ceremony, observe a ritual, celebrate a holiday *
VNEN làm rẽ * tenancy farming, hold land on lease-hold system, pay half of *
VNEN làm tiệc * to prepare a banquet, hold a party *
VNEN làm ăng kết * to make, hold an investigation, investigate *
VNEN lưu giữ * to stop, keep, detain, hold, store *
VNEN lặng thinh * silent, quiet; to keep one’s mouth shut, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN mang quốc tịch Mỹ * to hold US citizenship, be a US citizen *
VNEN miệt thị * despise, hold in contempt, disdain *
VNEN máy gia dụng * household appliance *
VNEN nghiệp chủ * owner of an estate, property owner, proprietor, holder *
VNEN nghè * (1) holder of doctor’s degree in Sino-Vietnamese classics
(2) small roadside temple
VNEN nghĩa quyên * hold a charity drive *
VNEN nghị hòa * to hold peace talks *
VNEN nguyên * acting, holding a post temporarily; to be intact, unaltered, brand new, original; in full; all, whole, entire *
VNEN ngưỡng * threshold *
VNEN ngưỡng cửa * threshold, doorstep *
VNEN ngưỡng giá trị * threshold value *
VNEN ngưỡng điều trị * threshold treatment *
VNEN ngạch * threshold (of a door)-scale (of taxes) *
VNEN ngẩng đầu * to hold one’s head up, hold one’s head high *
VNEN ngậm * to hold, keep; to bear, endure; to close (mouth, lips) *
VNEN ngậm miệng * shut (close) one’s mouth-keep silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN ngắm * to behold, view, gaze upon, contemplate; to take aim at *
VNEN ngồi lì * to sit motionless, sit stubbornly, hold a sit-in *
VNEN ngự tiền * of the royal household, in the presence of the emperor *
VNEN nhà cửa * house, household, possessions, belongings *
VNEN nhịn thở * to hold one’s breath *
VNEN nuốt nước mắt * to hold back one’s tears *
VNEN nêu cao * to intensify, heighten, uphold *
VNEN nín * to be silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN nín thở * to hold one’s breath *
VNEN nông hộ * farmer household *
VNEN nắm * to grab, take, seize, hold, grasp; handful, fistful *
VNEN nắm chức * to take, hold an office *
VNEN nắm giữ * to seize, hold *
VNEN nắm giữ quyền binh * to hold power *
VNEN nắm tay nhau * to hold each other’s hands *
VNEN nắm đằng chuôi * to hold the handle of a knife, play safe *
VNEN phá giải * win a prize as a challenger, win a prize from the holder *
VNEN phòng tạm giữ * holding cell *
VNEN quang gánh * rattan or bamboo frame (to hold loads at the end of a *
VNEN quý mến * to esteem, hold in esteem *
VNEN quản bút * penholder *
VNEN ra hè * hold a ceremony for the end of summer *
VNEN rẻ rúng * think little of, slight, hold cheap *
VNEN siết lấy * to encircle, grip, hold *
VNEN sùng mộ * hold in high esteem *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN sở hữu * property; to own, hold *
VNEN thao * (1) raw silk, silk tassle
(2) sheath
(3) to hold tight, squeeze, clasp
(4) to exercise, drill
VNEN thao túng * to hold and release, do as one pleases, sway, control *
VNEN thong thả đã * Hold it! (wait?) *
VNEN thành lũy * fortifications, bastion, rampart, stronghold, defense works *
VNEN thành trì * bastion, stronghold *
VNEN thám sát * investigate, look (into), hold an inquiry (into); exploration, reconnaissance *
VNEN thò tay * to reach with one’s hand, stretch out one’s hand, hold out one’s hand *
VNEN thưởng lãm * to enjoy a work of art, admire behold *
VNEN thết tiệc * to give a banquet, hold or have a party *
VNEN tiền đầu bất lợi * not get to the first base, stumble at the threshold *
VNEN tiểu chủ * small shopkeeper, yeoman, smallholder *
VNEN tiểu nông * smallholder, small farmer *
VNEN trách cứ * to hold someone responsible *
VNEN trên ngưỡng của ý thức * above the threshold of consciousness *
VNEN trì * (1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
VNEN trước thềm * before, in front of, on the verge, threshold of *
VNEN trọng * heavy, important; to think high of, hold in esteem *
VNEN trọng thị * to hold in high esteem *
VNEN tài chủ * owner, proprietor, landlord, landowner, household *
VNEN tạm giam * to hold temporarily, be in temporary custody *
VNEN tập trận * military exercise; to hold maneuvers, hold military exercises *
VNEN tề gia * manage one’s household *
VNEN tề gia nội trợ * run a household (effectively) *
VNEN tọa đàm * to hold an informal talk *
VNEN tử thủ * to hold out, hold or stand fast *
VNEN uẩn tàng * to hoard, collect, hold *
VNEN vênh * to wrap, buckle, hold up; warped *
VNEN víu * to hang or hold on to, cling to, lay hold of *
VNEN vòng vây * blockade, stranglehold *
VNEN vấu via * to grasp, cling, hold tight to *
VNEN vị nể * to consider or regard highly, hold in high esteem *
VNEN vịn * to seize, catch, hold, lean on *
VNEN xoắn * to twist, turn; to hold, hang onto *
VNEN xoắn xít * to grab, clutch, hold, cling to, stick to *
VNEN ôm bụng * to hold one’s sides (with laughter) *
VNEN ôm mặt khóc * to hold one’s face and cry, cry in one’s hands *
VNEN ôm đầu * to hold one’s head in one’s hands *
VNEN ăn cướp * to rob, burglarize, raid, hold up, hijack *
VNEN điền hộ * land-holding household, cultivator, tiller *
VNEN điều đình * to bargain, arrange, hold talks, negotiate *
VNEN đánh giá cao * to value something highly, hold something in high regard *
VNEN đánh đeo * hold to *
VNEN đóng vai trò then chốt trong * to hold a vital role in *
VNEN đóng vai trò trọng yếu * to hold, play an important role *
VNEN đót * cigarette-holder *
VNEN đạt ngưỡng * to reach a threshold, level *
VNEN đảo vũ * hold a prayer for rain *
VNEN đắt chân * gain a foothold *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *
VNEN đỡ * to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve *
VNEN đứng thẳng * to hold oneself erect, stand up straight *
VNEN đứng tên * to hold in one’s name (e.g. stock) *
VNEN đứng vững * to keep one’s foothold *
VNEN đứng ở ngưỡng cửa * to stand at the threshold, stand on the doorstep *
VNEN đựng * to contain, hold *
VNEN ắng lặng * hold one’s tongue, be silent *
VNEN ống quyển * (1) paper-holding bamboo pipe
(2) shin
VNEN ống vôi * cylindrical lime holder *
VNEN ống đót * cigarette-holder *