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OXF3000: cao highly

BNC6000 : highly [ Rank: 1103 ] adv 👪

VSLW 45 uranium có độ làm giàu cao highly enriched uranium (HEU) [ Basic Reading ]

like: highly
VNEN có học thức cao * highly educated *
VNEN cường dương * red-blooded, virile, highly sexed *
VNEN nhạy cảm * highly discerning, very sensitive, tender, delicate *
VNEN phân tán cao * highly dispersed *
VNEN quý trọng * to esteem, treasure, appreciate very highly, value, respect; valuable *
VNEN silicon dioxide phân tán cao * highly dispersed silicon dioxide *
VNEN thảm khốc * highly destructive, devastating, terrible, awful *
VNEN thậm * very, quite, highly, greatly *
VNEN urani được làm giàu rất cao * highly-enriched uranium *
VNEN vị nể * to consider or regard highly, hold in high esteem *
VNEN đánh giá cao * to value something highly, hold something in high regard *
VNEN đắt vợ * highly eligible *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *