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BNC6000 : handicap [ Rank: 4716 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : handicap [ Rank: 6299 ] v 👪

OPD : handicapped parking An Intersection
OPD : handicapped parking Traffic Signs

FN: handicap v Hindering

VSLW 45 người khuyết tật disabled, handicapped people [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 người khuyết tật the handicapped people [ Topic Reading ]

like: handicap
VNEN cố tật * defect, disability, infirmary, handicap *
VNEN người tàn tật * handicapped person *
VNEN tàn phế * crippled, handicapped, disabled, invalid *
VNEN tàn tật * (physically) handicapped, crippled, disabled *
VNEN tật nguyền * handicapped, disabled, invalid *
VNEN yếu sút * to handicap *