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BNC6000 : halt [ Rank: 4974 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : halt [ Rank: 4312 ] v 👪

FN: halt n Process_stop
FN: halt v Halt
FN: halt v Activity_stop

VSLW123 ngừng to stop, to halt vsl3

like: halt
VNEN bãi * (1) field, flat area, plain
(2) to stop, cease, halt, cancel, annul, disperse
VNEN chắn * to halt, stop *
VNEN dừng * to stop, hold, halt *
VNEN dừng lại * to halt, come to a halt, stop *
VNEN khập khiễn * to hobble, imp; haltingly, shakily *
VNEN nghỉ chân * call a halt, stop for a short while (during a trip) *
VNEN ngưng hoạt động * to stop, halt operations *
VNEN ngưng phiên giao dịch * to halt, stop trading (stock) *
VNEN ngưng đọng * to stop, halt, be at a standstill *
VNEN ngập ngừng * hesitatingly; to hesitate, waver, halt *
VNEN nhựa * (1) asphalt
(2) plastic, resin, gum
VNEN nhựa đường * tar, asphalt, bitumen *
VNEN nói ngập ngừng * to speak with a halt *
VNEN nói nhát gừng * talk haltingly *
VNEN nói tiếng Anh khập khiễn * to speak English haltingly *
VNEN trạm lộ * halting-place, stage, station *
VNEN át phan * asphalt *
VNEN điểm xạ * to halt and fire, fire at irregular intervals *
VNEN đường nhựa * asphalted road *
VNEN đứng lại * to stop, halt *
VNEN ấp ứ * to stutter, speak haltingly *