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OXF3000: lớn lên grow
2372 I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables. Tôi muốn có vườn để tôi có thể tự trồng rau cho riêng tôi.

BNC6000 : grow [ Rank: 564 ] v 👪

OPD : farmer / grower Farming and Ranching

FN: grow v Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: grow v Transition_to_state
FN: grow v Expansion
FN: grow v Cause_expansion
FN: grow v Growing_food
FN: grow v Ontogeny

VSLW123 lớn lên to grow up vsl2
VSLW 45 lớn lên to grow up [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự tăng trưởng growth [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 chất kích thích tăng trưởng/tăng trọng growth / weight stimulant [ Advanced Reading ]

like: grow
VNEN ba giăng * three-month growth rice *
VNEN bàu nhàu * grumble, growl *
VNEN bén mùi * to get used to, grow accustomed to, take a liking to, become attached to *
VNEN bìu * outgrowth, growth, bag, pouch *
VNEN bướu * hump, knob, knot, lump, growth, tumor *
VNEN bậm * to grow up *
VNEN cho đến già * until one grows old *
VNEN choai choai * teenaged, not-fully grown up *
VNEN chuyên canh * specializing in the growing of some plant *
VNEN cây nhà lá vườn * home-made, home-grown *
VNEN gia tăng với tốc dộ * to grow at a rate of, speed of *
VNEN giai lão * grow old together (as husband and wife) *
VNEN giồng * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN gườm * to growl, glower *
VNEN gối vụ * grow an overlapping crop *
VNEN hư nhược * weaken, grow weak(er) or feeble, weakened, enfeebled *
VNEN hồng lạng * persimmon grown in lang son province *
VNEN khôn lớn * grow up to adulthood *
VNEN khối u * excrescence, protuberance, growth, tumor *
VNEN kiếm thức ăn * to find, make, grow food *
VNEN kết hạch * concretion, stone-like growth in body, aggregate *
VNEN làm ruộng * to grow rice, be a rice-grower *
VNEN lú nhú * begin to grow or sprout *
VNEN lúa nước * rice (grown in water) *
VNEN lạnh mình * to grow cold, shiver, feel a chill *
VNEN lạnh người * to get the chills, grow cold, feel one’s blood freeze *
VNEN lạt như nước ốc * boring, dull, like watching paint dry, like watching grass grow *
VNEN lớn lên * to grow up *
VNEN lờ lững * indifferent, grow cold, lose interest (in) *
VNEN mọc * to grow, flourish, rise (moon, e.g.) *
VNEN mọc răng * to teeth; to grow teeth *
VNEN ngơn ngớt * become less and less, weaken, become or grow weak *
VNEN người lớn * adult, grown-up *
VNEN ngốt * grow oppressively hot *
VNEN nhão bét * grow too soft, too flabby *
VNEN nuôi cấy * to grow (bacteria) in a culture medium *
VNEN nuôi trồng * rear (animals) and grow (plants) *
VNEN nói leo * cut into the grow-ups’ conversation, interrupt adults or superiors *
VNEN nảy nở * to grow, increase, bud, sprout *
VNEN nẩy nở * to grow, develop, put forth *
VNEN nội hóa * home-made, home-grown, locally made; local goods *
VNEN phát triển * to develop, evolve, expand, grow, enrich (uranium); development, evolution, expansion *
VNEN phát triển mạnh * strong growth, development *
VNEN phát triển mạnh mẽ * strong growth, development *
VNEN phát triển rất mạnh * very strong development, growth *
VNEN quế hòe * grown-up and successful children *
VNEN râu ba chòm * beard growing on the chin and on both cheeks *
VNEN rống * to bellow, roar, growl *
VNEN sing trưởng * to grow (up) *
VNEN sinh sôi nảy nở * to grow, multiply *
VNEN sinh trương * to grow up, be born and bred *
VNEN sinh trương tại Nhật Bản * to grow up in Japan *
VNEN sác * shrubs growing by the seashore *
VNEN sùm sòa * grow rank, be rampant *
VNEN thành thục * grow familiar (with, experienced, skillful, be well up to) *
VNEN thả bèo * to float water-fern, grow water-fern (on a pond) *
VNEN thực * to grow, develop, reproduce, colonize; to eat (up)
(2) true, real
VNEN trưởng thành * to grow up, mature; maturation *
VNEN trồng * to cultivate, grow, plant *
VNEN trồng lúa * to grow, cultivate rice *
VNEN trồng rau * to plant, grow vegetables *
VNEN trồng trọt * to cultivate, grow, till, farm *
VNEN trồng tỉa * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN trở thành * to become, grow *
VNEN tàm tang * growing mulberry and raising silkworm *
VNEN tóp * to shrink, contract, wither, lose flesh, grow thin *
VNEN tăng nhanh nhất * fastest growing *
VNEN tăng trưởng * to grow; growth *
VNEN tọp * to lose flesh, grow thin *
VNEN tự tân * be renewed, be revived, mend, grow better, reform *
VNEN tỷ lệ gia tăng * rate of increase, growth rate *
VNEN về già * to get old, grow old *
VNEN vống * to overgrow *
VNEN đà tăng trưởng * growth rate *
VNEN đánh luống * make beds (for growing vegetables) *
VNEN để râu * to grow or wear a beard *
VNEN đốc chứng * grow restive *
VNEN đờ mặt * grow stupid, be stunned (struck with surprise) *
VNEN ớm * undergrown because of lack of light *
VNEN ửng * redden, tinge with red, grow red color, blush *