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BNC6000 : grip [ Rank: 3467 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : grip [ Rank: 4592 ] v 👪

FN: grip v Manipulation

like: grip
VNEN bấu víu * ☊ to hold fast, grip, grasp, cling * ☊
VNEN càu nhàu * ☊ to grumble, gripe * ☊
VNEN cán * ☊ (1) to manage, attend to
(2) to grind
(3) handle, rod, staff, grip
(4) talent, skill
* ☊
VNEN cặp * ☊ (1) pair, couple
(2) schoolbag, backpack, briefcase
(3) to pinch, grip
* ☊
VNEN nắm lấy * ☊ to grip, grab, grasp, seize, catch * ☊
VNEN siết lấy * ☊ to encircle, grip, hold * ☊
VNEN tay cầm * ☊ grip, hilt, handle * ☊
VNEN xách súng * ☊ to grab a gun, grip a gun * ☊