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DUOS tham lam greedy Attributes
DUOS Anh ấy đã dùng phép thuật để giết vị vua tham lam. He used magic to kill the greedy king. Paranormality

like: greedy
VNEN gian tham * dishonest and greedy *
VNEN ham * eager, greedy, zealous; love, fondness, liking, interest; to like, be fond of *
VNEN hiếu lợi * greedy, avaricious *
VNEN hám * to be greedy for *
VNEN hám danh * greedy for fame or glory *
VNEN hám lợi * eager or greedy for gain, mercantile *
VNEN háu ăn * gluttonous, greedy (for food) *
VNEN keo lận * mean and greedy *
VNEN người háu ăn * greedy person, glutton *
VNEN tham * greedy avaricious *
VNEN tham lam * greed; greedy, voracious, rapacious *
VNEN tham lam vô độ * greedy beyond measure *
VNEN tham tài * greedy for gain *
VNEN tham tàn * greedy and cruel *
VNEN ăn tham * greedy, gluttonous *