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BNC6000 : fringe [ Rank: 5152 ] n 👪

OPD : fringe Making Clothes

FN: fringe n Clothing_parts

VSLW 45 vi phạm to violate, to infringe [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xâm phạm to infringe, to violate [ Basic Reading ]

like: fringe
VNEN bá chiếm * infringe, usurp *
VNEN chiết quang * refringent *
VNEN lưỡng chiết * birefringent *
VNEN lấn * to infringe, transgress, encroach *
VNEN lấn át * infringe, transgress *
VNEN mép * edge, border, margin, rim, fringe; labia *
VNEN nón quai thao * flat palm hat with fringes *
VNEN quai thao * fringe hanging at both side of a conical hat *
VNEN rìa * fringe, edge, border *
VNEN tua * fringe, tassel feeler, antenna *
VNEN ven * edge, fringe, border, shore, bank, strand *
VNEN xâm phạm * to violate, transgress, infringe, encroach *
VNEN đường viền * border, selvedge, hem, fringe, flounce *