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OXF3000: phía trước forward
OXF3000N mong đợi cách hân hoan look forward to
2083 Are you looking forward to the weekend? — Yes, I am. Cậu đang mong cuối tuần phải không? - Đúng vậy.

BNC6000 : forward [ Rank: 3052 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : forward [ Rank: 814 ] adv 👪

OPD : forward button The Internet
OPD : fast forward Electronics and Photography

FN: forward adv Direction
FN: forward v Sending

VSLW123 trung thực honesty, straightforward vsl3
VSLW123 trung thực honesty, straightforward vsl3
VSLW 45 đưa ra to put forward [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 ngay thẳng straightforward [ Advanced Reading ]

like: forward
VNEN bước tiến * to step forward *
VNEN bản doanh tiền tiến * forward command post, advanced command post *
VNEN chuyển tiếp * to change, transition, forward (a letter) *
VNEN chuyển đệ * send, remit, transmit, forward, care of *
VNEN chính trực * honest, straightforward, truthful, upright *
VNEN chính đính * straightforward, upright, legitimate, correct *
VNEN cách chuyển tiếp thư * mail forwarding *
VNEN cầu tiến * to move forward, get ahead *
VNEN dẫn nhập * preface, forward *
VNEN khai thẳng thắn * to declare clearly, straightforwardly *
VNEN lời mở đầu * opening words, forward *
VNEN mong ngóng * look forward to, expect *
VNEN một bước tiến * a step forward *
VNEN ngay thẳng * straightforward, honest *
VNEN nghiêng người tới trước * to lean (oneself) forward *
VNEN ngã lăn * fall and roll forward *
VNEN ngã nhào tới trước * to fall forwards *
VNEN người ngay * a straight forward person *
VNEN nêu giả thuyết * to present, propose, put forward a theory *
VNEN sòng * (1) gambling den
(2) straightforward, unequivocal
VNEN sòng phẳng * straightforward and impartial *
VNEN thau tháu * to accelerate, quicken, hasten, press forward, talk fast, act rapidly *
VNEN thảo ngay * upright, loyal and straightforward *
VNEN thẳng thắn * straightforward *
VNEN tiến * to advance, move forward, progress *
VNEN tiến binh * to move one’s army forward *
VNEN tiến hành * to advance, move forward, continue, carry out, execute, operate *
VNEN tiến tới * to advance, move forward, make progress *
VNEN tiền đạo * attacker, center forward *
VNEN trung phong * center-forward, forward, striker *
VNEN trông ngóng * to wait for, look forward to *
VNEN trở đi * ~ and later, downwards, forwards, onwards *
VNEN tướn * to rush forward, spring forth, dart *
VNEN tới trước * forward (direction) *
VNEN từ nay về sau * from here on, from this point forward, from now on *
VNEN tựa * (1) preface, forward, title, headline
(2) like, similar
VNEN tựa đề * title, heading; to write (preface, forward) *
VNEN vọt * (1) rod, switch
(2) to gush forth, squirt out, soar, leap forward, spurt out
VNEN xông tới * to rush towards, rush forward *
VNEN xông tới tấn công * to rush forward to attack *
VNEN xúc tiến * to encourage, promote, push forward, onwards *
VNEN áp tới * to dash forward *
VNEN đưa ra * to put forward, issue, release, propose, set forth *
VNEN đưa ra ý kiến * to put forward an opinion *
VNEN đề khởi * be first to propose, be first to suggest, be first to put forward *
VNEN đề ra * to propose, put forward, set forth *
VNEN đề xuất * to propose, put forward (for discussion) *
VNEN đề đạt * propose to higher levels, put forward for consideration to higher *
VNEN đứng ra * to come forward *
VNEN đứng ra bảo đảm * to put forward a guarantee, vouch for *