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BNC6000 : forth [ Rank: 3729 ] adv 👪

VSLW 45 ngược lại back and forth, roundtrip [ Topic Reading ]

like: forth
VNEN bung ra * to burst forth, burst out, let out *
VNEN cao đàm * talk profusely (about), hold forth (on) *
VNEN chạy tới chạy lui * to run back and forth *
VNEN có sẵn * forthcoming, existing, available, in hand, ready, available *
VNEN gạy * call forth (someone’s ideas, confidences) *
VNEN khiêng tới khiêng lui * to carry back and forth *
VNEN liêm * honest, forthright, straight *
VNEN lượn * to hover, soar, go back and forth, glide, fly *
VNEN lắc đầu quầy quậy * to shake one’s head back and forth *
VNEN nẩy nở * to grow, develop, put forth *
VNEN nổ vang * to ring out, echo forth *
VNEN nổ vang lên * to ring out, echo forth *
VNEN phát ra * to start, break out, emit, send forth *
VNEN phô diễn * to express, set forth *
VNEN phục hồn * to summon, evoke, call forth the spirit of a dead person *
VNEN suy đi nghĩ lại * to go back and forth, turn over (in one’s thoughts) *
VNEN sắp tới * forthcoming, approaching, next *
VNEN sực nức * to give forth, spread wide *
VNEN tròi * show, produce, bring forth *
VNEN trần tình * to make clear, set forth, petition *
VNEN tướn * to rush forward, spring forth, dart *
VNEN vãng lai * to come and go, go back and forth, frequent *
VNEN vãng phản * travel back and forth *
VNEN vọt * (1) rod, switch
(2) to gush forth, squirt out, soar, leap forward, spurt out
VNEN xuất phát * to send forth, start, emit *
VNEN xuốt ra * to put out, forth *
VNEN xê xích * to move, shift back and forth; more or less *
VNEN đi qua đi lại * to go back and forth *
VNEN đi ra đi do * to go back and forth *
VNEN đi tới đi lui * to go back and forth, run back and forth *
VNEN đi đi lại lại * to walk back and forth *
VNEN đưa ra * to put forward, issue, release, propose, set forth *
VNEN đưa ra kết quả * to put forth, release results *
VNEN đưa ra một tài liệu * to bring forth a document *
VNEN đẻ * to bring forth, give birth to (child), hatch, lay *
VNEN đẻ ra * to give birth to, bring forth *
VNEN đề ra * to propose, put forward, set forth *
VNEN đề ra mục tiêu * to set forth an objective *
VNEN đệ trình * to present, submit, set forth *
VNEN nhìn ngang nhìn ngửa * to look back and forth *